MAGA Election Denialism Still Has A Firm Grip On Red California County

Could someone ask if she has any student debt? Or when and how she paid off her student debt?

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Why the hell do we continue to entertain these lunatics?? Their theories are slipshod and completely made up. Please make it stop…


That will be exceptionally difficult for the county to interfere like that because ballots are counted and reported at the precinct level, of which there are over 180,000 in America. Those are the granular data themselves, and they are added together at successively higher levels from county to state. The Electoral College breaks the chain in a way that biases the overall outcome toward low population, largely rural states.

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Stephen Vizinczey — ‘Strange as it seems, no amount of learning can cure stupidity, and higher education positively fortifies it .’


Does that mean it is a haven for women, or that women are considered property in Shasta County?


Remember, in the reddest regions, there are still a significant minority of good people. Far more than the 10 required to save Sodom.

Also, it’s beautiful country. My dad was from Tehama county, just to the south of this.


I was wondering about that. Is this one of those northern California counties that wanted to secede from the state or the union not too long ago?

I think you answered my question.


If you think Shasta County is bad, try living in NV a few miles from Lassen County. That gateway to the inbred shithole is as bad,willfully ignorant and sociopathic, as anywhere else in the former CSA, including T’Alabanma.


At what point can we stop saying Separation OF Church and State and use the more accurate statement of Separation FROM Church and State. Separation Of is merely stating that they should be 2 entities. Separation From means to separate the influence of one entity to another. I realize this is essentially just semantics, but I feel From is far more powerful than Of.


It’s not just a “class of candidates who refuse to accept that they’ve lost.” The rotten heart of Trump’s 2024 campaign is his insistence that he won in 2020. And this is basically a core tenet for the entire Republican party: only a Republican can win presidential elections. The crude version of that tenet is that only Republicans, check that MAGA Republicans, are real Americans.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Why do I feel a certain suspicion that she actually has a PhD in Microbiology, or anything for that matter?


Welcome to the TPM scrum @Nosirrah

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Thank you!

I want to file a protest because they didn’t clearly spell out that she was a braindead cultist and though I live on the opposite side of the country my brain hurts having to read about it.

Sounds about as valid as her rationale.

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I was curious about where she did her PhD…Microbiology isn’t the sort of program you can offer on-line, after all. All I can figure out is that she insists on being called Dr. Laura Hobbs.

As far as I’m concerned anyone who insists on having the academic distinction applied in everyday life is a loonie, but that might be colored by the fact that my crazy ex- is one of those folks.

At a change-of-custody hearing for our oldest son, her attorney kept referring to me as Mr. Strad. I answered his questions. Then at one point he stopped his questioning and said, “Excuse me, Mr. Strad. I believe you do have a doctorate. Would you prefer that I address you as Dr. Strad?”

I acknowledged that I do have a doctorate in Statistics, but that I was prouder of the title Associate Professor as I had worked harder for that than for the Ph.D. In any event, both are academic distinctions, and not really relevant off campus. So he should please himself–I’d answer his questions to the best of my ability in any event.

When my ex- got on the stand, my attorney opened by asking her what honorific she wanted to be addressed by. My ex- snapped back, “I am Doctor Maiden Name, thank you.”

On-campus it (sort-of) matters. Off campus, it’s irrelevant. Laura Hobbs got off the academic treadmill for whatever reason (she said that working 60 hours a week in a lab was incompatible with being the kind of mom she wants to be) and moved to Bumfuck California. The fact that she has a Ph.D. in microbiology just means that she’s an out-of-date former life scientist. Her C.V. doesn’t seem to be available anywhere, so I can’t tell just how out-of-date she really is.

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It is. Jefferson was a kaffee klatsch of NorCal counties who were unhappy with Sacramento and southern Oregon counties who were angry with Salem and thought they should break away and form their Very Own State, presumably based on a cannabis economy.


I have a former colleague who ran a special district in Shasta for over a decade. One of the MAGAt State of Jefferson loudmouths got onto his Board of Trustees. After a couple of years dealing with the idiot, he moved to a Marin County agency with a higher cost of living (especially housing costs), but far fewer MAGAts to deal with, and none on the Board.

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I have been in that area many times. It is crazy out there. On state Hwy 139 North of Susanville, there is a road sign attributing the cleanup of litter to a Right Wing militia. Anyone who thinks California is a liberal monolith (Include Washington and Oregon in this caution.) needs to visit some of these pockets of out and out crazy.

Sorry about your ex…she reminds me of an ex that I was fortunate enough not to marry.

However, even outside of academia it is correct to address someone by their highest title. So, you should be called “Professor Strad” whenever you are being introduced, especially on formal occasions. If you were going to a state dinner at the White House, that is how you would be called, so it’s appropriate to be called that anywhere. That said, if the barista at Starbucks called you Strad or Mr. Strad and you insisted that you were Professor Strad then yeah, you’re an imperious jerk.

The only times I have ever insisted on being called Dr. when talking with someone was if they were being an outright jerk or throwing their weight around on others…at that point they deserve to be knocked down a peg and I’m glad to oblige. Otherwise, if someone calls me by the wrong title I let it go, it’s not that big of a deal, and with students I always tell them to call me by my first name, especially the ones who are terrified to talk to an experienced scientist. :smiley:

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