Louisville Offers Settlement To Family Of Breonna Taylor | Talking Points Memo

The unions have deeper pockets and more responsibility for the current state of policing.


Well right now the investigation is in the hands of the state AG. And he’s not talking.


If you haven’t seen this, then you should. It’s just makes everything worse, and pitiful for the lack of accountability to the public.
If you have FX or Hulu there is a New York Times Presents show. The 1st episode is on Breonna Taylor. I watched the full thing this past weekend. Here’s the preview.

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It shouldn’t take a settlement offer for police reforms to be put into place or for those cops to be fired. You would think the $ involved would lead the city to that conclusion naturally.


OJ Simpson lost a huge civil suit to the Brown family and has never paid a dime towards it. So much for civil suits ruining your life.


Au contraire, OJ has lost quite a bit of money to the Brown family, including everything from [If] I Did It. And intentional torts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy.


It’s the city’s LIE-ability insurance not taxpayers.

And the (surely to be increased) premiums for that come from where? Try again.


That is still tax-payer money, take it out of their money. Veteran cops seeing their pension statements will start worrying about those knuckledraggers that spend all their free time talking about bullet penetration, and effectiveness of incapacitation.


What funds do you think pays for that liability insurance?

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So the taxpayers of Louisville pay out to Breonna Taylor’s family so that the murderous cops can go free, and the family will never speak of it again?

In any other circumstances, wouldn’t this be called “hush money”?


But is there an admission of guilt?


If the cops/police department don’t feel the crunch they’ll never change because they know they can get away with it. Take the money out of their budget/pensions/etc. Maybe then this culture will be corrected internally (people speaking up, bad cops fired, etc)


Until that happens there is no hope on rooting out the thugs. The other solution would be to reduce the police departments to the bare bones: leaders, very specialized positions and trainers and then draft among residents to do the actual patrolling and arrests, preferably unarmed. That will make the citizens the enforcers of the laws of the community, and any arrest would be done by citizens not by hired thugs. There still will be screw us, but there would not be the systematic cover up that happens to be the most angering part.

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“Every night, we’re going to get tougher and tougher. And at some point, there’s going to be retribution because there has to be. These people are vandals, but they’re agitators, but they’re really — they’re terrorists, in a sense.”
— Dr. Cadet Toadglans mit der Bone Spurs

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They can pay the mother $10 million or $50 million and her daughter will be just as dead.

The police who did this need to be fired, charged with homicide, tired for the crime—and the police union needs to be on the hook for the settlement money.


Several million dollars is not enough. It must be enough to ‘hurt’ Louisville or they will not learn. Several million dollars is just ‘the cost of business’ not enough punishment.


I have an idea - let’s take a bunch of fully armed young men and have them slam into a private residence jacked up on adrenaline, fingers on the trigger with everyone screaming at the top of their lungs and see what happens? Because apparently this is our best solution for preventing someone from flushing some drugs down a toilet.


Take the money out of the PD’s budget.

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Because they are targets of the police and assorted fascist sympathizers.