They’ve been working on making that a felony, I believe.
Doctors are going to continue to leave Louisiana en masse because who wants to have hemorrhaging women die under their watch because their hands are tied? Their mental health will take a huge hit the more this happens and they’ll either want to retire early or leave the state.
People and businesses need to leave states such as Louisiana. My wife and family certainly don’t want to live or work in any of them.
This is the hard part for the anti-abortion folks. They’re working against decades of women who were able to get life saving-their life is one being saved, care. Current doctors are trained, have seen how fast something can go wrong, and know what procedures and methods work. These state legislators w/o medical training made a decision to shove that knowledge down a memory hole.
I think it’s time to check on the musings idiocies of ol’ Peter Douche-y:
It’s good to see Karine Jean-Pierre treat his stupidity with the respect it deserves.
Goldman Sachs predicts a stronger GDP and better job growth if Democrats sweep the White House and Congress.
I guess it’s just assumed that the Fifth Circuit will sweep away any arguments that criminalizing drugs approved by the FDA is a Commerce Clause and Supremacy Clause violation and the Six will tighten up their trusses and contort themselves into finding a way to make it okay.
The White voters, to be specific. And therein lies the key to the puzzle of why they keep doing this to themselves.
Don’t think this was just a Peter Douchey thing. Fox is dying to force someone, anyone who speaks for Democrats to use the term “Code Switching.” They are aching to add “Code Switching” to their list of racist hysteria triggers, along with “DEI,” “Caravans,” “Affirmative Action,” “Post-Birth Abortion,” and “reparations.”
To some extent, this is the view of most if not all of the major religions. It is especially true with the monotheistic religions where God is “HE”.
To the politicians it is all about power and from power money. If their having power means death to women, minorities and really most White people of every religion, that’s cools with them.
The problem is the “true believers”. I mean if you real believe abortion is murder, while what would any of us do to avoid having someone murdered.
Republicans, who represent a tiny minority on economic issues, need one issue voters, God, Guns, Race and Abortion. Without the true believers that abortion is murder, they will have much less power. Without the racists, the gun nuts who think a gun has more rights than women, without any of these single issue voters, Republicans will have much less power.
So for the politicians who need the true believers that abortion is murder, not just women but everyone exists to be slaves to their wealth and power.
Douchey is just their stalking horse’s ass.
As usual my point sailed right over yet another head. Too many people in this country worship the rule of law without asking whether those laws are moral or immoral, right or wrong, justified or unjustified. There is nothing inherently immoral, wrong or unjustified about abortion and certainly nothing dangerous that would cause it to be made illegal, other than the idiotic masturbatory OPINION of people who either insist that other people abide by their book of fairy tales for morons or want to control other people. So yeah, making abortion illegal is exactly the same on a moral basis with refusing to teach a black man to read. It’s a law designed to control, which does nothing to advance the cause of freedom or humanity.
Thanks for the lecture on how it works here. But that sounds an awful lot like a lazy shrug. Oh, this immoral law is getting women killed? Shit happens.
Ya didn’t talk about morality; you said an “abortion wasn’t illegal”, a factually incorrect claim, under the specific circumstances. I was simply reacting to your statement.
I yield to no man in my indignation at Christi-fascists forcing people to die for their imaginary friend. Doctors are licensed professionals, failing to follow the law has only one result for them.
I will concede the point. I should have more accurately said that there is no legitimate reason for abortion to be illegal - morally or ethically. In fact making it illegal is both immoral and unethical.
It seems likely that they will succeed given past experience with such things. For a very long time the left has ignored this self failure, or at least the “legacy” media has, thus spreading this lying crap everywhere.
I can’t believe it will work. Everyone code-switches.
I agree. Either she is as sick as he is or she is just biding her time. If he loses, I’d bet money that she’s out of there. Not so sure if the Rump wins. Somehow I can’t see her hanging with Melania. Although Melania isn’t likely to be spending any more time in DC.
I fear too many voters don’t know this. If the trumpians lose this time again, they’ll be back and one of these times they may win, and our democracy goes Christian autocracy overnight.