Lofgren: Many Ex-Trump Staffers Came Forward To Jan 6 Panel

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), who serves on the Jan. 6 select committee, on Saturday said that many of the more than 200 witnesses the panel has interviewed are former Trump administration officials who came forward voluntarily.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1395350
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Kyle Rittenhouse Awarded AR-15 for ‘Defense of Gun Rights’ Following Acquittal (msn.com)


Let’s see, how many Trumpers are possessed of a conscience?? Survey Says??


OT/ when women have dark eyebrows, WHY do they paint their hair blond ?


This seems consistent: Conservatives have a strong revenge and retribution impulse so deviation from the party line requires deniability.

ETA: I have long thought the reactionary impulse for revanche explains not only enforced adherence to party doctrine but also the unwillingness of media to report on it fully; i.e., punishment is not reserved for party members, it is applied to deviation anywhere and that includes denial of access to reporters.


It also ups the paranoia and the pressure to flip. “Some of your colleagues have already testified, do you want to be the sucker left holding the bag?”


So when the grey grows in you don’t look like a skunk.


Lofgren, however, declined to offer insight into whether the former Trump officials who voluntarily came forward to the panel served in Trump’s White House, the Trump campaign or were part of former Vice President Mike Pence’s staff.

I’m willing to bet they interviewed people from all three organizations. After all, I imagine even the Nazi Party had soft supporters -those who went along, but weren’t necessarily entirely on board, as well as the hardcore.

Some of Pence’s people are obviously talking - their motivation not being thrilled with their guy served up as a sacrifice for the Orange Satan.

The others - it could be they were truly appalled at what transpired, horrified at Trump’s attempt to subvert democracy and America’s cherished ideals, or something as mundane as keeping open their job prospects or minimizing costly legal fees, knowing Trump will not lift a finger to help.

In any case, I get the feeling the Committee knows quite a lot, even without testimony from the Bannon’s and Meadow’s of the Administration. But the more they can nail down the entire conspiracy, obviously the better.


Jan. 6 Committee Member: Many Ex-Trump Staffers Came Forward Voluntarily


(Impatient mode this morning)


No surprise here, many of the people in the Trump administration were not true believers, were turned off by what happened on Jan 6th, or are too afraid or poor to want to fight against testifying or go to jail. Every single one of them saw something that’s important to constructing the picture of the insurrection, and any good prosecution takes all of these kinds of testimony and constructs a picture of events that is used to question the higher ups. Prosecutors know the answers to many questions, they know what happened, so the higher ups are constrained in what they can say, and if they lie they get nailed for it.

The investigation is quiet now, simply because we are in the phase where the evidence is being built…the same goes for the DoJ investigations. Building that evidence base takes time and effort, even without people like Bannon and Trump trying to stop it. The plan is to hold public hearings next year, to make the case clear to the American people what happened, and hope they punish Republican politicians who supported Trump and the insurrection…we’ll see how that plan turns out.


So when the grey grows in you don’t look like a skunk.

And no woman wants the skunk look - or so I’m told.

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I read this as somewhat of a warning to Trump’s inner circle. She’s basically saying we know quite a bit of what you did. You can come in and explain your actions and try to put them in a positive light, or not. And we’ll just send everything to DoJ or make it public as is.


The same reason some bald mean wear hideous tupees.


“Reputable congress people with nothing to hide often make use of burner phones.” Said, no one. Ever.


All in good time Grasshopper.


You don’t look like a skunk unless you’ve been dying it for years and are letting it grow out. Grey hair comes in gradually. I have lots of grey streaks but they mix in pretty uniformly. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ll go with “or something as mundane as …”
After four/five years of Trump, and working for him in some capacity all the way to the end, naw, not horrified.

Another way of looking at this is
Probability(Person horrified, given that the person is Republican) is almost identically zero.


One of the reasons the Wyoming Republican Party kicked out Liz Cheney, I believe, is so they can claim the Select Committee is a partisan Democratic enterprise. I expect Kinzinger will be underbussed next. Pretty weak tea, but it’s all they have.


Sounds right.


The same reason some bald mean wear hideous tupees.

I wonder if Joe Kiernan on CNBC wear a toup? Can’t tell.

I hope so b/c I hate the guy - a cheap shot Trumpster.