Originally published at: Let’s Face it: He’s a Mess - TPM – Talking Points Memo
I got another note from TPM Reader NS this morning. He expresses rightful frustration with the way that elite media continues to focus on Trump’s recent antics as an extended tantrum or flawed strategy when it is much more appropriately seen as a mental and cognitive state which is manifestly unfit for holding public office.…
The obvious question from his “performance” is: Perhaps he cannot be given ANY responsibility if he cannot manage to make one point and stick to a basic press gaggle format. Presidenting is much harder than that.
His performance is the measure of his fitness, not a choice or just a strategic blunder.
I wanted to bring attention to this line. The writer is correct: It is, in fact, a very effective attack plan for directing the conversation towards Trump’s mental health problems.
Next time you’re covering a Trump potluck lunch for your blog, news outlet or Youtube video channel, bring up the fact that he cant keep his brain on the planned, dedicated topic at hand for even one minute. Such an obviously decayed mind cannot be trusted in the oval office. How can anyone endorse this?
Hannity, do you really want racist Grandpa Simpson with the nuclear football, when he can’t remember the subject of his own press conference?
Lindsey Graham, do you want this incoherent mess to be in charge of the middle east crisis? or responding to Putin? He doesn’t even remember why he has a box of cereal on the table next to him.
This is the guy you want to be in charge of responding to China when they invade Taiwan?
Look at him, he can’t even remember that he’s supposed to be talking about inflation! It was his one job, picked by his own team, approved by himself, and he can’t even remember what he’s supposed to do.
Better keep him on his own estates, otherwise he’ll liable to wander off and get lost.