Once again, the buffoons effectively conceal the ones we should worry about. Not to say we can’t enjoy buffoonery, but when the next “lone wolf” attack comes about we shouldn’t be surprised. Or amused.
And when you say “normal people” you mean those whose mothers wouldn’t let them do their macho man thing?
And why didn’t Mommy allow Adam to hide out, er stay in her house?
They wanted the car to blend in
With very serious charges that led to some serious shit on their permanent records.
Wouldn’t that be a Prius? It gets better gas milage.

the group of disgruntled Michiganders
Shouldn’t that be “the group of disgruntled Michi-geese?”
Well, technically “Michiganders” is potentially a tad closer, as the gander is the male, while the female is the goose…although the plural, regardless of gender is, indeed, “geese”.
Personally, I would just prefer to call these guys turkeys.
(For a while there were some folks trying to get those of us from Michigan to be known as “Michiganians” but it just never took…)
Wait a second
Are we sure this is not the cast members of that new TV show - Breaking Stupid?
Nah, in that neck of the woods, a rusty pickup would blend in better.
In the video where they’re firing off their penis extensions over a lake, is that a housing development? Seems an odd place to be playing soldier-boy with real bullets.
So. How long before we see Seth Rogan and James Franco in the movie version?
What, you expected logic???
I’m saddened that convicted felon James O’Keefe wasn’t documenting this in real time. This would truly be ‘veritas’.

OMG, a fucking PT cruiser?
The Aztek was in the shop.
If a group pays attention to all these points about how they amusingly screwed up and exhibits less buffoonery in planning to attack a public official or other Trump influenced target, will it still be funny when they kill people?

Well, technically “Michiganders” is potentially a tad closer, as the gander is the male, while the female is the goose…although the plural, regardless of gender is, indeed, “geese”.
Personally, I would just prefer to call these guys turkeys.
When I was growing up guys just like this communicated by short wave radio, news letter or mimeograph. Now they have a global reach. What are we going to do about that? What can we do about that?
Remember the 1st presidential debate in 2016, and Trump said of the hacking, "It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK?”

What, you expected logic?
Well, you have a bunch of grown-assed men in camo with long guns driving around in a PT cruiser, I expect cops to get interested, even before they start firing off the guns.

OMG, a fucking PT cruiser?
One wonders where they were able to find one that was still roadworthy.
Rumor has it that the one vehicle sold in 2018 was to the Smithsonian.
You just know that these lunkheads grew up mocking the PT Cruiser. “Hee hee PT loser”.
I never quite got the hatred for the PT Cruiser. I know the retro looks get mocked but they were based on the fairly ok Neon and decently priced and practical. In many ways a cut above a Scion Xb.
The nicer ones are the earlier pre 2006 version with the real bumpers and better interior before the Daimler era bean counter Rubbermaid like furnishings. The 2.4 turbo is very tunable. It’s replacement the Dodge Caliber is actually a worse vehicle, a victim of Daimler Ceberus platform sharing with a mediocre Mitsubishi. The FCA merger really did improve the quality of their products. I can attest being a Dodge Challenger owner. Yesterday’s PT customer key demographic is today’s buying a small crossover.