Law Enforcement Braces For Explosive Threats To Biden Inaug | Talking Points Memo

Armed Forces Radio has beamed Limbaugh directly to all the troops since 1993. Hannity is available there, too.


Oh, heā€™s a bright one! Maybe in his fevered brain, he thought that the mob would force the country to disenfranchise Bidenā€™s voters and jam 45* down our throats.

ETA: From

Keller struggled to adjust to post-Olympic life after 2008. He told the Olympic Channel podcast how swimming had set high expectations for his success which backfired in the work setting as it caused frustration. He explained how his past victories in the pool also made him feel ā€œentitledā€ at first.

ā€œIā€™ll be honest I wasnā€™t a good employeeā€¦for the longest time because I expected it all to come to me as easily as swimming did,ā€ Keller said. ā€œOnce things started going southā€¦I lost that enthusiasm.ā€

This struggle spiraled into all aspects of his life, culminating in the ā€œreality checkā€ which he pinpointed as the day he became homeless. In 2014, he and his wife got divorced, after which he lived out of his car for about 10 months. In an interview with USA Swimming, Keller explained that he did not have visitation rights to see his children for 4 years.

He described the reality behind what seemed like a sharp turn in his life. ā€œItā€™s a slow leadup of shirking responsibility, and just letting the little things slide every dayā€¦it eventually builds a critical mass and once that critical mass is built itā€™s that last final straw that breaks the camelā€™s back,ā€ Keller told the Olympic Channel. He detailed his outlook on life getting ā€œlower and lower.ā€

Keller then talked about his gradual comeback after receiving ā€œlove and acceptance from his family,ā€ specifically his sister and 2004 Olympian Kalyn Keller who took him in. He worked through this time by teaching swim lessons and running swim clinics.

And now heā€™s thrown it all away for 45*. ETTD


In the Vietnam era, the Guard was a way to avoid combat. (See also: Dubya.) In the Bush-Cheney-Rummy Wars, the Guard carried a substantial share of the burden in terms of deployments. Different era, indeed.


From HuffPo:

Vincent Veloz, a special agent with the U.S. Capitol Police, wrote in a statement of facts that Robertson posted on social media that ā€œwe actually attacked the government,ā€ and wrote that they ā€œtook the fucking U.S. Capitolā€ in one day. He also wrote that he was proud to have ā€œput skin in the game.ā€

ā€œIf you are too much of a coward to risk arrest,being fired, and actual gunfire to secure your rights., you have no words to speak I value,ā€ Robertson wrote in a message.

Fracker, on Facebook, wrote that he didnā€™t think heā€™d done anything wrong.

But now!

Again from HuffPo:

Thereā€™s obviously a concern there attached to some of the events that have happened and are happening or will be potentially happening,ā€ [US Atty] Bubar said. Frackerā€™s attorney said that he had a ā€œlong history of following ordersā€ and would obey the judgeā€™s orders. Robertson said he would not be attending any demonstrations in D.C. around the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.

ā€œI have no need or desire to go to the city of Washington, D.C.,ā€ Robertson said. ā€œIā€™m a 27-year police veteran and an honorably discharged United States Army veteran with service in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Nicaragua. Again, I have no indication or any reason to be in D.C. and will not be.ā€

Magistrate Judge Robert S. Ballou, citing the defendantsā€™ military and law enforcement service, said that he would not put the defendants on GPS monitors as the government requested, but said they could not have firearms in their home, restricted their travel to within the Western District of Virginia, required the forfeiture of their passports, and ordered them to stay away from public demonstrations.

Whatā€™s the matter with this magistrate?


I keep saying they should have gone with something more like ā€œbad cops put good cops in dangerā€ā€¦ā€œdefundā€ was typical liberal overzealous overreachā€¦

ā€œYeah but we will just explain the nuance laterā€¦ā€


Thereā€™s been entirely too much fawning over our military since 9-11.

That said, Iā€™m in awe. Starting with the Lafayette Square incident the military has repeatedly told POTUS to drop dead with his coup plotting. Guess what? When they took an oath to uphold the Constitution they actually meant it. Who would of suspected?

When I see that picture of the National Guardsmen trying to sleep on the hard floor of the Capitol, thatā€™s way more inspiring to me than ā€œFlag Raising at Iwo Jima.ā€ Iā€™m moved beyond measure.

Whatever pay increase was included in the defense bill that President Trump vetoed should be doubled.

ā€œWe sleep soundly in bed at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf.ā€ ā€”attributed to George Orwell


Bin laden was no fool. Seeding the neofascist rise was not ā€œotherā€ means. It was PRECISELY his goal.




I always thought it was stupid, both substantively and messaging-wise. People who invest too much faith and energy in slogans bore me. They donā€™t get much done.

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Au contraireā€¦They get altogether TOO MUCH done.

Slogans are important. Very important. Defund the police has smeared the right and proper goal of reducing funds that militarize the police, shifting funds to addiction counseling and other mental health issues and so on.

Yup, for some reason the liberal community isnā€™t very good at this. These words define the message, and itā€™s hard enough to push back against mainstream media framing so itā€™s essential we learn to do better.

Another one we should push back against hard is ā€œCancel Cultureā€. Folks, itā€™s simply ā€œShunningā€ which conservatives have endorsed for generations. Want to overthrow the government? The you deserve to be shunned. Itā€™s just not that complicatedā€¦


Iā€™d say we have a problem with right-wing extremism in society generally. But in six days weā€™ll see Joe Biden inaugurated. When you see that happen, youā€™ll know the military as an institution held to its sworn role. If it hadnā€™t, things might have been very different. Big picture, gang.


So you are surrendering to Bin Ladenā€™s ghost then?


I worked, on the contractor side, with military folks for much of my career. I want to think you are right. Used to. After all thatā€™s happened and been revealed in the last several years, Iā€™m no longer so sure. I share @becca656 's skepticism and concern on this one.


Name one instance where itā€™s done this.

Wonder how many who were allowed to walk away from the Capitol riot, will be the ones to incite/inflict further violence.

I spent an elapsed period of about a year on the SAP project for the US Army (the Logistics Modernization Program). We were never assigned to a base - always in an office building in a business park. But in the lobby where EVERYone came in every day, the TV screen was always set to FNC. Always - no exceptions.

There was an article yesterday or the day before where the top military brass has requested that this signal now be discontinued because itā€™s making the brassā€™s job of maintaining constitutional fealty too hard. This has been going on for decades. They think NOW is the time to take action??? Way too darned late.


Probably part of the coterie.

This is the one thing the country needs to be aware of and concerned with: how many in positions of authority that could make a difference are part of the mob without expressly saying so?

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I saw the same article; couldnā€™t find it again or would have posted link. Also saw an article about renewed Christianity hegemony at the AFA. Same link problem. Not to mention all the news stories about whatā€™s been going on at Ft. Hood. (Of the traitorous namesake, IIRC.)

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