hahaha I did. She is saying the real victim is him.
Can’t these people just go-away-somewhere… like jail?
The real victims are the people in her district who didn’t vote for her. What a stupid twit.
There’s a song by The Knack…
So she was attempting voter fraud/tampering.
I swear, it is always projection with these fuckers.
I agree. I feel for them. They must be dying of embarrassment and frustration.
Related factoid, Berton Averre, who was the lead guitarist of The Knack is a solid progressive.
I would take that as a yes.
“Trailer Trouser trout”…
New one to me, but filed for future use.
One of the less appealing implementations of AI technology.
Trouser trout. Which makes more sense.
Did you expect otherwise?
Of course not, provided they were on good terms. If not, then who knows? hahaha
Oh, FFS, can’t even blame that on autocorrect.
My only excuse is that I just got home from my weekly shiatsu massage and my brain is still zoned out.
Sigh. Corrected.
hahahahahahahahahaha That’s ok. Being zoned out is good.
Yeah, my massage guy is just fab. He’s actually the current head of the German shiatsu practitioners association — been going to him for 15 years now. Helps keep me sane…
“Trouser trout” is why the girls all call me “catch and release”
Good thing that Boebert is not in a position calling for perspective, judgement or sense of responsibility.
( )
I’m so glad you found what keeps you sane. I wish everybody could find that thing and get sane. Oooo wouldn’t that be nice? Not to have all these insane people who are angry for some nebulous reason we can’t determine and they can’t articulate? Maybe because they feel like their anger makes them special?