Well said. It was a nice reminder of what sane policy sounds like.
Filthy is right.
The only person who has delivered for the American people on terrorism is Barrack Hussein Obama.
W hustled the bin Ladens out of the country the day after 9-11 and did nothing else except invade the wrong country and get us mired down in Afghanistan.
Trump - not worth talking about.
The Democrats actually do things to keep us safe, the GOP just talks and sells the country to Putin.
Or be away on a sudden unannounced vacay.
Glass Half Full:
Kilmeade Said it.
Would he have done this last July?
And don’t use doofus-headed Smith going rogue earlier and getting reamed by Pelosi as a comparison. This is worse:
The GOP is FAR FAR more lock-stepped and regimented
President Obama deserves credit that Tehran isn’t the world’s newest nuclear power yet. Had they not destroyed so many centrifuges and handed over so much material, this whole dog wagging charade wouldve been impossible, and not even Fox hosts are deliberate enough tools to twist that fact into blame.
And I wish there were someone out there to remind ALL of the American people of this on a daily basis, because this information is so distorted from reality that MANY of the American people believe that the Dems are soft on terrorism. So far from the truth, 180 degrees isn’t far enough away.
“We all know that it’s been 40 years of failed policies,” Kilmeade said
A time fame that includes St. Ronald, Bush the Elder, Bush the Lesser and Dumbfuck, collectively 60% of the 40 years. They break it, we fix, rinse and repeat.
It’d be nice if he seemed a little more intelligent and was a little more adept at stating his case when he goes a bit negative on Trump. But, you know, take what you can get when you can get it.
It’s the same fucking thing that has circulated for decades about the Democrats and the economy.
The GOP runs up god awful deficits but we’re the tax and spend party.
Yeah some of this bullshit needs to be killed dead.
Kilmeade senses that all the unfixable disasters his guy has brought will be hard to talk around in the future, even for professional wordshitters like himself.
They thought that they had gotten all the kinks out of the illogic system they installed in the latest maintenance cycle, but apparently they missed something. A latent fact managed to worm its way into the system.
Fortunately, Airhead-bot 2.0 was able to provide a distraction as programmed, so they’re confident that the fact was contained.
Has anyone clearly declared why a multi-national agreement with Iran that successfully curtailed Iran’s nuclear program was a bad thing?
Yesterday, after Trump went wobbly soft in that Iran statement at the WH, is the first time GOPers woke up and realized that Trump ain’t s**t. He doesn’t have it. It’s a shocking realization for them but one that was unavoidable.
Do we have to move the North Atlantic for that acronym to work, or will climate change do that for us?
Very well said. After listening to Trump for the past 3 years, I’d almost forgotten what we’ve lost in terms of intelligence, knowledge, judgment, and an ability to articulate and weave complex thoughts into arguments.
He also stated, not only was this Iran’s money, but the courts had ruled as such, and are forcing American taxpayers to pay interest on these monies to Iran. Funny how they never mention that.
Tony Blair sounds like C3PO—exactly.
I guess that’s why Richard Spencer quit him.
I always did believe that if he was revealed as the weak man he is and not the strong man they envisioned, it would be over for him.
Because anything else might involve work, and the Water Boy doesn’t do the W word.