Kennedy Schools DHS Sec On Coronavirus | Talking Points Memo

I saw that Kdlow interview it was frightening in so many ways. Mostly because he was disoriented confused or drunk who knows? His assurance rang hollow. most I would say it was telling us at this moment at this exact moment. Really. no plan for the next twenty four hours his answer check with me as people die. jeez


Yeah I think he is terrified of something like Katrina which was about fatal to W. IF it hadnā€™t occurred in his 2d term he might have been a one term prez like his father.


Kennedy is from Louisiana right? Mardi Gras is today. Maybe he is a wee bit concerned about a gathering of 1000ā€™s in the streets of NOLA? Honestly, I hope he is concerned about the health and well being of his constituents and the rest of us.


Heā€™s just the secretary. His job is just to take notes.


Well, except for the fact that he voted to install many of these miscreants. Heā€™s more concerned about Trumpā€™s and his own approval numbers.


Trumpā€™s already had a Katrina, but it was on an island where they speak Spanish so the hell with that. He wonā€™t get off as easy if Grandma dies and might not have if the federal government were functioning somewhere near normal efficiency.


Yeah itā€™s too hard to get Americans to care about Puerto Rico, I guess.

They will care about the mainland.


No, he doesnā€™t care about competence in general. Heā€™s just scared shitless that he or his family is vulnerable to this specific disease and now he needs someone doing their job in the Trump government. If this only impacted ā€œothersā€ Kennedy would be fine with the DHS being run by a Trump toadie who knows nothing.

My guess is that Kennedy and/or his wife are vulnerable to a ravaging respiratory disease being something they wouldnā€™t survive. Itā€™s not uncommon in older folks, and is especially worrisome to those of us in our 70s and up. Itā€™s interesting to see what it takes for Kennedy to properly question one of The Minions.


He did what they all didā€”crossed his fingers behind his back and hoped for the best. Didnā€™t have much choice, really. He did what he had to do then, and now his own ass is on the line heā€™s doing what he has to do for number one. Weā€™re not the cynical ones here, is the fact. If we were there in D.C. weā€™d have tried to do our jobs, whatever that job was. Trump and his people couldnā€™t do the job if they wanted to. Simple as that.


Those republicans senators and congresspersons will find their butts in a sling for allowing the incompetence and inexperience to go on for as long as it has.

This possible crisis will separate the men from the boys all right.


ETTD, literally this timeā€¦


ā€œYour numbers arenā€™t the same as CDCā€™s. Donā€™t you think you ought to contact them and find our whether youā€™re right or theyā€™re right?ā€ Kennedy said. ā€œThe American people deserve some straight answers on the coronavirus and Iā€™m not getting them from you.ā€

ā€œSenator you must have me confused with someone else. I am a Trump appointee. I am not willing, or able to give anyone straight, reliable answers to important questions,ā€ replied Chad Wolf.


Your comment is worth a ā€œlikeā€ on its merits, but this phrasing is especially fine.


The incompetence is breath taking.

Schumer: "Mr. Cuccinelli posted a tweet actually asking for information about the spread of the coronavirus. The one person the administration can come up with to help deal with the issue ā€¦ Of course, because he has no knowledge ā€¦ This is towering and dangerous incompetence."

ā€” Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) February 25, 2020


Say, what is Michael Brown up to these days? Seems like heā€™d be a perfect fit for the DNI position, right?


Thereā€™s only one solution to combating the Coronavirus.

Cut taxes.

I mean, is there ever any time that wasnā€™t a solution?


He might also be a little worried about Louisianaā€™s piss-poor healthcare system. The state did accept the Medicaid expansion, but it recently kicked a bunch of people off, because GOPers were worried about unworthy recipients. The Coronavirus could pick off a lot of those rural voters with poor access.

While the state posted gains in some areas tracked by Commonwealth, it ranked 45 out of 50 states and the District of Columbia in the scorecard, which evaluates states on 47 health indicators, like insurance rates, health spending and premature deaths. The data is for 2017.

Workers in Louisiana paid more for employer-sponsored health insurance than any other state in the country, when compared to median income. Far more adults in Louisiana went without the appropriate flu and pneumonia vaccines than in other states.


Good question. Brownie would do a heckuva job.


Chances of Trump freaking if the situation worsens and going all Kodos the Executioner on us? H/T Star Trek.