Kennedy Apologizes For Calling Tanden A ‘Whack Job’ Amid Faux Outrage Of Her Tweets | Talking Points Memo

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA)

  • is an American lawyer and United States Senator
  • graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University, with an interdepartmental major in political science, philosophy and economics.
  • obtained a JD from the University of Virginia School of Law,
  • earned a Bachelor of Civil Law degree from Oxford University (Magdalen College) in England

…and yet, just can’t resist being a feckless asshole & seems totally incapable of exhibiting an ounce of class or dignity or decorum.

if the assignment was “champion your cause with decency and consideration” - he flunks!


Cain’t Jeeter git him some good-fittin’ store-bought teeth? He’s a durn Senator, and needs to look his baist.


But of course, there’s nothing hurtful, much less offensive, in Senator (not the right one) “John Kennedy”'s “ignorant slut”, “whackjob” or other good Looziana-boy remarks. IOKIYAAR. Antifa made him do it.

edited to note the Kennedy guy is a Senator, just like the Real John Kennedy was, and not a Rep. No apologies; he’d just call me an ignorant slut, anyway.


Yeah, but Kennedy comes really close to being so.

“I apologize for saying this when I should have said that?” I call bull shit, that’s no apology, it’s a clarification of a dumbass, inappropriate and offensive remark.


He did not know Trump Tweeted. :fu:


I straightened him out. It’s all good now.

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Southern neo-confederate radicalized christian conservatives like Kennedy are barely able to repress their misogyny, hate and vileness.


Kennedy, a scholar on products liability law, knows darn well that you can’t go into court seeking equity with unclean hands. Or maybe his mom should just wash his mouth out with soap? The worst.


What is 50 feet long and has 3 teeth?
A line for funnel cake at a county fair.

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Will we hear an apology from that scumbag, Rand Paul, for trying to draw a disgusting equivalency between genital confirmation surgery and genital mutilation when questioning Dr. Rachel Levine, who would be the first transgender federal official to be confirmed by the Senate?

That man isn’t fit to wash her feet. He can’t reach them.


why do you say such things?


referring to Tanden as “a neo-socialist, left-of-Lenin whack job.”

Applied to Tanden, all three epithets are dishonest.

Even “extremist” – apparently the New and Improved epithet – does not apply.

Kennedy knows better. He’s just lying.


Actually, America has always had a hate problem, and people like Kennedy, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Marjore Greene, Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, and so many others perpetuate the hate. And all these miscreants actually work to perpetuate the hate because it serves their purposes, as it tears our country down.


How uncivil!!! Now, I have no choice but to vote for Chairman Mao!


it’s a shame this guy wasn’t standing under Skylab when it came crashing down


These people are SOOOOO childish. Like, yeah. We get it. Rightwing propaganda goes straight from your ears to your mouth and you’ll only apologize to the extent you can hurl another smear at anyone who complains. The question is who you imagine you’re fooling with this obvious ruse.

But this is the entire problem with conservatives: Because everything sounds so smart when it bounces around the rightwing echo chamber that they refuse to consider the possibility they’re idiots being duped by professionals.




I coulda swore that the President is given some latitude in having “his” people working for him, right?

I also coulda swore that the advise and consent function was mainly intended to make sure unqualified whack jobs, to coin a phrase, weren’t put in charge of various pieces of our government, as opposed to what their political party was.

Maybe I am confused with a more genteel time.


I’m very confused. To Republicans she’s “a neo-socialist, left-of-Lenin whack job.” To the brogressives, she’s a union-busting, neoliberal corporatist schill (when they’re not using “w” word). It’s almost like the real problem here is that she’s a woman who dared to call all of them out on being assholes.