Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) on Thursday issued an apology for calling Neera Tanden, President Biden’s nominee to lead the OMB, a “whack job.”
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Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) on Thursday issued an apology for calling Neera Tanden, President Biden’s nominee to lead the OMB, a “whack job.”
Perhaps he could have acknowledged that the kind of passion he showed in his comments is what Tanden also showed and that he understands why she may have been so caustic. Like he was.
“Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone”.
Senator I think Bernie can defend himself.
Kennedy took aim at Tanden for calling Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) “everything but an ignorant slut,” invoking a decades-old “Saturday Night Live” sexist slur that the show has used satirically.
Ok, I don’t care whether you love or hate Sanders, that’s fucking funny. I can’t wait to use it.
“I apologize. I was searching for a word for extremist, which I think is more neutral,”
Extremist is only neutral if you’re an insurrectionist.
C’mon. Bernie obviously isn’t ignorant.
But Kennedy is okay with all of Trump’s tweets?
Projecting RWNJ accusations of “whack job” and “extremist” at your political opponent are, in a manner of speaking, toothless.
This guy always annoys me as he tries very hard to be the cantankerous country senator who is “funny”…stress the air quotes.
Mark Twain, he ain’t.
I should apologize to Kennedy for calling him a spineless craven crazy fuck witt.
These boyz don’t do anything conciliatory unless forced.
This nomination is like a tar pit for hypocrites, racists, and idiots (in other words, most of the current Rep caucus). Could genial, smiling old Joe Biden be that fiendishly Machiavellian?
“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!”
"And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of ignorant sluts is no virtue!”
That is the face of one dumbass racist motherfucker.
Just sayin’.
We are becoming a country with a real hate problem. The hate is based on lies and utter distortions and to me that makes it worse because it’s as if as a nation we are looking for an excuse to hate. Fox still runs footage of Nancy Pelosi at the hair salon while they are literally doing a story about something else. They’re running footage of BLM protests with a burning trashcan in the video while talking about January 6th. Hate’s a lot easier than I thought.
But enough about @castor_troy’s last performance review.
It’s gonna be like this without Trump on the scene. The decibels go down (even in this story).
Trump brought an inferno of hate and malevolence to American politics and, although it’s still here (largely, thanks to Trump and those $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ him), it is dispersed (with MTG, and other bit players, etc).
@heirball That’s where RWNJ propaganda has to gin it up, in Trump’s absence
He always looks like he has no teeth. Just a way of connecting with his base, I guess. And this is our master race.
Your OneWordAnswer™: Yes.
But nothing compared to Dr. Jill.
I had a Drill Sergeant like Dr. Jill.