Kemp To Sign Bill That’ll Make It Easier To Punish Local DAs He Has Political Beef With

They like limited government all in their teeny tiny hands. I envision their reasoning to be along the lines of: “You’ll do what I say, because I said so”.


Kemp wants to punish DA’s who do not do his bidding.
Ya know, wasn’t it the GOP that whined about “weaponization”??


Statewide, Republicans in Texas are doing the same shit to target Dems in certain counties and cities.


This is why Willis needs to move fast. However, I suspect Kemp is savvy enough to allow Willis to take Trump down as he would be a potential beneficiary.


Republicans are even ashamed of their obvious Fascism.


So does this create impetus for Fani Willis to bring charges against TFG sooner rather than later? If she’s removed can another DA take up the case?

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Are you a Republican?
Did you commit a felony?
Is the DA coming for you?

No problem! We’ll just fire her.


From all I have read here, she has to wait for a new Grand Jury in July. I assume she will be ready to go on day one.

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The office remains even if she gets removed as its head (which isn’t going to happen).


Fanni Willis is taking too damn long to organize Trump’s indictment and she’s not doing herself any favors by announcing it’ll be happening in a couple of months. Now the GOP knows that they can just shut down her criminal investigation into Trump before that deadline and they’ll sweep everything under the rug.


Trump: “No, you’re the puppet.”


State Republicans have … focused their attention on other liberal district attorneys, like Athens DA Deborah Gonzalez, whom they claim aren’t adequately doing their jobs



How so?

A district attorney is like the CEO of the district attorney’s office. Even if she goes away, the rest of the office remains and goes about its business under the direction of one of her deputies.


I think I see a problem here. If the decision as to whether to pursue or not pursue a given legal course of action is now whether or not it will ‘get past’ the Supreme Court of [fill in the blank] then we are officially royally screwed.

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It’s never RICO, not just when it’s Trump. But especially not when it’s Trump in a blue county with a deep red state supreme court.


Fanni Wiilis: Hallelujah!!! Now I wont have to give explanations why I am not charging Trump or anyone else with electoral fraud.

Quite honestly you’re constant refrain of “I’m a lawyer and you’re not” gets a little old.


But I am a lawyer. And you’re not. Feel free to crack open the Georgia Code and tell me where the applicable felony is. Here, I’ll even spot you the applicable article of the code.


Hopefully the office will be ready to interact with the GJ as soon as they’re installed tho likely it will take time for this new group to get up to speed on all the cases before it. Seems to me this system has interminable delay baked into how it is set up. trump will be well and truly aged by the time a verdict is read in his case(s).

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