More than 20 Republican former law enforcement officials sent a letter to Republican senators Tuesday urging them to oppose Patel, according to the Hill.
Just add them to the list of people republican senators will ignore and whom will be added to Patel’s list.
Were Jeffrey Epstein alive Trump would at least think of springing him from jail, and naming him Head Start administrator. Hell, just create an entire new department. Teenage Girl Welfare & Care, Jeffrey Epstein in charge.
No MM yet, but is anyone else hoping someone has the presence of mind and spine of steel to scotch the internment camp planned for Guantanamo? What in the world are these people thinking? First Bibi creating huge refugee camps in Gaza and now Miller and TSF starting one in the US.
When I first went to nursing school to get my LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) back in 1972 there were one hundred students in my class, 3 of which were men including me.
One thing about Trump. He has totally eliminated the shame people used to feel about being stupid and completely ignorant.
It makes no sense to highlight the chief attribute of a nominee when that attribute is what enamors him to the majority of people voting on his confirmation.
If he wins, he will over reach and fuck things up royally. Also, like all of the F.F.'s incompetent candidates, he will be easy to administratively rope a dope. Use their authoritarian tendencies to micromanage everything to bury them in details and mountains of paperwork. You want to review XYZ? Document dump incoming, sir!