Kari Lake Fancies Her Gubernatorial Loss A Political Litmus Test For 2024 Candidates - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Hommage à Nicholson – I tend not to use “iconic” except with reference to literal icons, but that was some acting, and it wasn’t even his best.

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I appreciate the moderator edit.

Otherwise, a waste of crap imho.

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Kari Lake is not going anywhere anytime soon.

She went crazy some time ago.


Its pronouns are batshit and crazy.


Lake is simply one more Republican, who when beaten at the polls, resorts to claiming foul, rather than admit that they were not wanted by the majority of voters. She takes her cue from the Orange Asshole (and draft dodger). When they are unable to fairly win an election, they must have been cheated, because it’s their right to be given the office, earned or not. Sad!


There used to be a trope of meeting people in an insane asylum who were absolutely sure they were Napoleon Bonaparte. “I’m Napoleon Bonaparte.” “But Napoleon has been dead for over a century.” “I’m Napoleon Bonaparte.” “But Napoleon Bonaparte was short and you’re tall.” “I’m Napoleon Bonaparte.” “But Napoleon Bonaparte spoke French and you don’t.” “I’m Napoleon Bonaparte.” And all the arguments would not make a dent in the unshakeable certainty of the crazy person. Kari Lake is just a recent incarnation of such a Napoleon Bonaparte.


And if they claim the brown stain around their mouth comes from Trump’s butt, insist that they prove it! My personal brown stain has been verified by professionals to have come from his butt crack!

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It’ll be fun to see all TFG’s fan-girls dukin’ it out over the VP spot. She might even be too bonkers to get a Fox “News” gig out of it.

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“I ask you that every candidate who comes through — when they stand on this stage, when they’re shaking your hand, when they’re walking through town, taking your questions — that you ask them where they stand on election integrity,” she said. “And I think you should get even more specific, ‘Was the 2022 election for governor in Arizona stolen?’ And if they won’t say ‘Absolutely, yes,’ that’s a big red flag.”

“That’s a big red flag,” she added. “Ask all of them.”


It’s going to take a while to completely flip Arizona, but I wanna thank Lake for shortening the time frame.


Arizonan here. My friends (bunch of lib lawyers) don’t even joke about her anymore. Imagine not having enough juice to be made fun of in her own state. TPM can take a pass on her for a while.


I like the concept of a litmus test. Everyone who sides with Kari Lake should be permanently disqualified from everything. Every time she speaks I hear the earth lament the waste of carbon.


I guess for the GOP anything is now faith-based if they refuse to have it be questioned. Therefore the only reality is what they prefer to believe. Freaking dangerous stuff. Madness is now their baseline. I lost an election–NOPE! My economics plan doesn’t work–YES IT DOES! Evidence shows that guns hurt the economy and doesn’t protect their owners? WRONG. It goes on and on–they can’t handle facts and live in a delusion of anger and denial, victimization and resentment, of anti-democratic power plays and voter suppression. The amount of time we must spend battling them instead of solving real problems is such a waste. But it’s all faith-based, so it is not to be questioned. Ugh.


You have to almost admire the quixotic persistence. Didn’t she get like 3.4% of the vote and it wasn’t even close to being close?


Ah Kari, Kari. How can we miss you if you won’t go away?


Swell…makes shit up…dutiful stenos in the media breathlessly report it…people click on it and roll their their eyes…please send us support dollars so we can keep doing this…

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Lake seeks title of Baroness of Arizona.

Here is a piece the Arizona Republic ran about a 19th century fraud who claimed title to Arizona through fake land grants.

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But what is Jeremy Clarkson’s opinion of Kari Lake?


Wow! That’s my opinion too! What are the chances?

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