It would seem that the Conservative faction of the Supreme Court basically has the same instincts that Donald Trump had when he wanted to toss democracy and ignore the law, basically running things by his sole decree.
The “lack of oversight” that you seem to bemoan is because Congress looks the other way. I prefer experts in the field make the decisions on implementation… and then resolve differences when there is a complaint. Having ‘faceless bureaucrats’ make these decisions is a good thing about our system of government.
They (the Federalists AND the GOP) only want unhampered executive (and States’ rights) when the executive (and State) does what they want to happen. If not, then the executive and States MUST be curtailed. It has always been a sham saying for pure power.
Good News!! He got a reward from his god for his work.
Little to no recourse? That’s what the courts are for.
Unvarnished Hostility Towards Agency Power
So sayeth the Oracle: Career politicians shall lead us, no matter how they wriggle into office (votes or not) – Advantage? Criminals.
After all, career politicians will obey the dictates of their masters – The few with extreme greed.
Basic conservatism. Under current conditions, if unfettered, Republican conservatism will trigger an epic mass extinction – Unfortunately, we’re first in line.
Perfect example! Years ago I was at a sight of a new horizontal shaft coal mine that was just starting to dig the entry shafts. There was a large wheel loader into the bucket of which four men were shoveling dropped coal from the visible seam. The wheel loader had a rather loud back up alarm, and the men on the ground were wearing large acoustic ear muffs. I asked the foreman if this wasn’t counter-productive. He shrugged and said OSHA requires the back up alarm, and the Bureau of Mine Safety requires the ear muffs. Case Closed!
He further commented that all told the two requirements cost about $400, and he still needed to keep a fifth man with them to warn them of any danger.
So what’s the problem?
I once worked in a factory that required ear, foot and eye protection. The old timers i worked with, who were there before the regulations were required, were all hard of hearing because of long term exposure.
Also, accidents were commonplace because under OSHA much of the older equipment was retrofitted with safety features that did not work optimally: “stop” buttons on overhead presses that drifted a foot or so before actually stopping, sheet metal corugators that threw copious amounts of oil that caused slip and falls, machines with exposed belts that on occasion snapped and caused an injury or death, etc.
Apparently the workplace you cite employed a spotter to alert the workers who might be unable to hear potentially hazardous because of their ear protection. That seems like an example of a company concerned, commendably, about the safety of its workers.
Again, what’s the problem?
The essence of this ruling holds the potential to render the entire federal government system open to being paralyzed/ virtually dismantled. The idea that any agency action can be invalidated by the court - if the court chooses to decide it “went too far”
And “agency” could be … well a lot of critical entities that need to be objective, informed, impartial and independent of partisan politics … which this corrupt court is not. The impact could be idiotic…
FDA … by the logic of this ruling … the court could decide which drugs /vaccines/ medical devices are “too important to trust to an agency” and needs to be voted in by congress …
IRS, SEC, NRC, NHTSA, FCC, FAA all have stuff that some well funded angry group would want to have reversed or ground to a halt.
So looking to the future - this idiot court’s logic would be …
The approval of a vaccine is far too important to entrust to a bunch of dorky epidemiology egg heads, communicable disease specialists, and public health officials. NO , let’s have this be decided by a bunch of Ignorant unqualified partisan political hacks most of whom know absolutely Nothing about medicine. “Medicine is too important to leave to the experts” - so let’s have every ignorant rube put their 2 cents in … and we can all have horse de-worming because some fool imagines it might work (it does not)
This is imbecile thinking … it is a draconian dumbing down of the operational system of the nation.
The stupid - it hurts… in so many ways.
Any doubt that -
(1.) had Trump’s desire to create catastrophic chaos & mass killing of the VP & various Representatives & Senators
(2.) The obstruction of the counting of electors & turmoil over which were valid… could have punted the process into a decide state by state delegation … where Trump’s count would prevail
(3. This court would have approved and given Trump the presidency for another term. They simply would have cobbled together a ‘one time ruling’ and waltzed off to their inaugural parties.
But let’s get a commitment (as Josh has suggested) to a specific set of actions in the face of these intolerable, illegitimate decisions.
So we’ll let ALEC decide what should become law. That is a mound of shit.
get out-of-text-free cards
It is a game, and the goal is to dismantle the laws that the corporate donors who have made you a DC princeling want dismantled.
What do we do? America’s not the first nation to shit on it’s values and ditch what works. It’s been done many times. ALL of those places eventually fell apart for it and were rebuilt in their original form.
So let em do it. When pollution indexes rise and sickness as well make Congress and SCOTUS eat it. When women die…the same. When elections are clearly stolen. Same. When our schools go to shit. Same.
That’s probably the only way this gets fixed.
It is a game …for now. When folks start to get sick it no longer will be. When the ramifications of ditching the rules to make it easier for the cheaters becomes clear…the game players are in deep shit.
So basically, you feel like SCOTUS should be a super-legislature, rewriting laws at will, invoking previously non-existent “doctrines” and abandon the common law process of developing case law incrementally, leaving no path for retreat if a change or advance proves harmful as long as the people doing it share your ideology.
Huh. Thought you guys were against that sort of thing.
And it’s not as if Mr. Faceless Bureaucrat can just sit at his desk, declare a new rule, and that’s it. There’s a process for creating new regulations. It involves review, feedback, and participation. But Republicans do love the mysterious faceless all powerful dictator guy myth.
Did you mean to imply that the ear muffs were needed because of the backup alarm? Was there perhaps something else creating damaging noise? I mean, it’s a nice story and all, especially the $400 part, but …