“What do I do with attorneys that aren’t straightforward with me?”
With a trial looming next week in Dominion Voting Systems billion-dollar defamation claim against Fox News, the judge in the case has slapped the right-wing cable news net with sanctions and suggested that he would order an investigation into whether the network misled him.
It’s nice to hear someone say that, after four years of Trumpers trying to claim, for example, that it’s not a lie if someone (read: Trump) doesn’t know that what they’re saying is false.
The judge in the Dominion case said that he would likely appoint a special master to review how Fox had complied with its discovery obligations in the case.
While I’m sure the special master is necessary and proper, that probably means more delay. My notes had jury selection to start April 17th. I’m guessing that’s off now.
It seems clear to me that they hid this particular information so that Fox Corp’s direct liability would remain at issue past the motions for summary judgment – and that work … for now. The link between FNN and FOX Corp through Rupert Murdoch should probably be enough for Dominion to argue that the judge should reconsider that aspect of summary judgment motion where FOX prevailed just barely.
That motion might delay the trial, but Dominion will probably be OK with that since they could win a major boost from that decision.
I don’t mind this dragging out. Fox doesn’t have the yahoos supporting it that tfg has. Let the dirty laundry fly. Let it be repeated over and over before the trial even starts that fox, from the top management to the on air persons are lying assholes grubbing for that payday.
Fat boy’s most amusing lie in a lifetime of lies was him describing how people were crying when he entered the Manhattan court house. Of course Tuck didn’t question the veracity of it.
One has to wonder if the so-called contractual obligations concern the NDAs that were annulled, or rather, this suit is about his confession to committing those crimes on TFG’s behalf.
This part bears watching.
Trump’s legal team said in the suit that the former president has “no alternative but to seek legal redress” to combat an emboldened Cohen, who they allege has recently ramped up false statements about his former boss.
I’m wondering if Dominion’s lawyers are going to find out that Rupert Murdoch was in communication with Donald J Trump and his toadies during that time in 2020.
I still shake my head about his remark in an interview, pre-presidency, that he had investigators on the ground in Hawaii, (regarding Obama and his Americanness) and they couldn’t believe what they were finding. Neither could anyone else.
@slbinva Cohen has a very sharp attorney Lannie Davis who’s going to surprise fat boy and the rest of us with his response to this libel.
I think it’s likely that he’s suing to further his claim that Cohen’s testimony in Trump’s current trial should be thrown out or at least regarded as a bunch of lies.