Far-right hoaxsters Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman violated federal and state civil rights law with a plot using robocalls to suppress the Black vote during the 2020 election, a New York judge ruled Wednesday.
Well, good that they’ve been convicted, and yet… the 2020 election results stand. Did they also interfere in the 2022 elections? Which have long been over, and the results stand. Seems the scammers achieved exactly what they wanted, and there’s no way to “make whole” the public, whose elections werre compromised.
Jeez, they seem like such nice guys, nice White guys.
I live in rural Trump country. As an older White guy I get to hear what my neighbors, bar mates, etc. say when they think they’re around like-minded folks. Racism and other bigotry, including especially anti-Semitism, is the core of the Trump MAGAt movement.
I’ve known many of the local MAGAts for years. I’d never heard an overtly bigoted comment from any but one of them over many years. Now I hear a constant stream of vicious racist/ethnic/religious lies. Trump did this. And because the rest of the Republican Party feels that it needs Trump and his voters on their side, the GOP has embraced hate as central to its agenda.
They’ve been busted before and all they get is community service. Their act has been known for years and all they get is community service. Voter fraud…NO NO…voter defrauding OK. These guys have been chipping away at America’s democracy and all they’ll get is community service or other wrist slap.
Trump made it okay for these folks to say it out loud. Have no doubt that they were thinking it before.
Fear of the Other has been pounded into the white brain and baked into our society for 400 years. No white person - and that means me, as well - can be born here without being infected. It takes conscious intent, over considerable time, to cure oneself of the disease (can we ever truly be fully cured?), and even then, you’re just an island in a sea of mindless fear and hatred.
And it is a risk they are willing to take. They just keep upping the ante, and one cycle a genuine Fascist will be elected, and each be appointed Prefect of his own state!
(To be sung to the tune of “Pirate Jenny” from Threepenny Opera)
all this ‘anti-woke’ agita is because they got used to being able to say all the slurs, and they liked it. now they pissed off that anyone should say that maybe dropping n-bombs is not ok.
Again, living in Trump country, I’m not so sure that these people were always bigots, but Trump allowed them to express it openly. Some of the loudest MAGAts around here voted for Obama and supported Bernie. I’d never even heard racist innuendo from them. Yah, some were closet bigots. But most are just malleable, could have gone either way.
While the most vocal MAGAts are small business folks, lot of the local MAGAts are poor, some of them disabled, and more are working poor, doing crap jobs that are dirty, dangerous and very boring. Its one of the big shocks for me is why poor folks would vote for the party that wants to take away what little ESSENTIAL government support they get. But Trump promised to keep their Social Security and Medicare intact, and so they adore him.
We see them, we know what they are. If they thought they had it bad before they are looking at way worse now that the sane have seen them for what they are… losers in every way imaginable. I will never forget what they have done to this country.