Judge Rejects Roger Stone Bid For New Trial That Claimed Jury Misconduct | Talking Points Memo

Orchestrated by . . . let’s see who was that Attorney General again? Name’s on the tip of my tongue . . .


Every HR department in the planet know that guy.


That word is popping up in a lot of places lately. Trump himself is becoming irrelevant as time goes on.


Stone’s claims of jury misconduct were “a tower of indignation, but at the end of the day, there is little of substance holding it up.”

My favorite quote from the article because it can be used to describe the entire GOP in general.


Hmmmmmm…I would have thought Roger would rather enjoy prison. Him being a metro-sexual and all.

That Nixon tattoo on his back will attract just the right…suitors.


Hopefully Trump will be too distracted by trying to gin up neo-Nazi demonstrations against COVID-19 restrictions in order to pardon Stone until he actually sets foot in prison. At that point we can hope some con with a shank and a strong pair of fists will redeem his life of criminality by performing a humanitarian act.

A humanitarian act identical to the sort that Whitey Bulger received.

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" Judge Rejects Roger Stone Bid For New Trial That Claimed Jury Misconduct"

"The penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail; if it were not for this penalty, the jury would never hear the evidence.

H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)"

“Vile” is indeed generous; calling him a “human being” is just insulting to the rest of the species.


Just wait. Sleazy chief justice John Roberts will find a principle in the conservative Constitution and come to the rescue of his party. Republicans look out for each other.

Good. Put the fucker away.

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Looks like his latest dirty trick failed.



Oh boy, this is so damn funny!


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I’m trying to figure out how to combine Tower of Babel and “tower of indignation”. Tower of babbling indignation?

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Unfortunately you are correct. And this COVID19 outbreak is the perfect excuse, because at 67 the Con man will say that at his age Stone is exceptionally vulnerable to dying if he gets infected.

Except that no one wants to get close enough to him to infect him. Even the criminally insane have standards.

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I guess I’m mostly pissed how long rich and connected felons are able to stay out of prison. Every felon should go straight to jail immediately on conviction. Then try whatever time wasting appeal they want, from behind bars.


It looks as if Judge Berman-Jackson has been has been remarkably meticulous in trying this case, knowing full well that Stone would be gaming the situation in every way possible. That is his whole MO.

It will be interesting to see if Trump shows even the slightest loyalty to Stone, now that his publicity value is overshadowed on a daily basis by the epidemic. Trump has tools, not fiends, and I suspect that Stone is now useless to him.

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Stone has 14 days from the time of this decision to appeal. If he does not then in 2 weeks he better pack his tooth brush, a change of underwear and get ready to enjoy 3 hots and a cot for several years…

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Dear Roger Stone,
You can be be fucked whenever and however you like.
The American People