I’m old enough to remember the Warren Court.
Yep. A fully corrupt branch of Government put in place by the party that got less votes.
Well, this seals it. Roberts is totally corrupt.
Roberts, Kagan, Thomas have all put a temporary hold on appeals that are somehow connected to the upcoming election and/or frump. A strategy to avoid midterms?
I dunno. I can’t understand what’s so ambiguous about “Congress has the right to see”. Why has this even been an issue? And for so long?
The fix, she is in.
Naked Partisanship is the new style.
Don’t look under the robes!
I am a glass-half-full kind of guy and this should further galvanize GOTV for Dems…and let me caution about pessimism:
It enervates and demoralizes
The Roberts stay is no surprise. There is no universe in which he doesn’t refer the matter of Trump’s tax returns to the full Court.
That Thomas’s stay of the Lindsay Graham grand jury subpoena has not been overruled yet is rather more disturbing. For now.
I think everybody in American politics thinks the house is going to flip. Don’t believe the media. Remember everybody in the media believed Kansas was going to go along with the constitutional amendment that would allow the Republicans to strip women of the right to an abortion. That blew up in the Republicans faces. Generic polls favor Democrats and early voting indicates women and especially black women are voting in record numbers. I will be surprised if the house actually flips.
Get out and vote. Prove the corporate media wrong.
Using OPM!
No excuse - Lindsey isn’t on the ballot - there’s nothing, anywhere, that prevents them from making that decision except their own ambition.
While I agree Roberts stay is no surprise, I disagree with the rest of your statement on the subject.
But to your comment on Thomas’s stay of Lindsay Graham subpoena, to me Roberts stay is more of the same.
Obama’s campaign stops have been a joy to see…and he’s having fun.
I can’t help if you’re literally inexplicably disagreeable.
That they are apparently making a decision is the problem. It seems that somebody is writing something rather than just uttering the word “Denied.”
Need any more evidence this court is corrupt? They already approved NY getting his Tax returns and now they want to reverse their own precedent.
Gosh, I wish I had a Supreme Court in my back pocket.
Must be nice
The Supreme Court has NO legitimacy at this point. Roberts legacy is in a cesspool. In short, the Supreme Court is a joke and a very dangerous joke at that.