The House select committee on investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection has its sights set on ex-President Donald Trump’s desperate gambit to turn the screws on Michigan GOP officials to help him steal the 2020 election.
The House select committee on investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection has its sightssites set on ex-President Donald Trump’s desperate gambit to turn the screws on Michigan GOP officials to help him steal the 2020 election.
This is the kind of investigation we must be conducting. It’s not as though they made any secret of trying to overturn the election results, and we know exactly who did it. There must be some fit punishment for this type of behavior.
Does anyone know how in MI one gets to be a member of the County Board of Canvassers, which I would take to be equal to my County BOE as a commissioner.
Isn’t there a handbook on their responsibilities?
Washington (CNN)On Saturday night, an entirely false claim about President Joe Biden went viral among conservatives on Twitter.
“Our heroes were returned to American soil and Dover AFB today. Nobody from the Biden White House attended,” tweetedBuzz Patterson, a Republican congressional candidate in California.
… … … …
'Scuse me Buzz but there’s this…
That’s Biden in the center of the image. To his left (blocked by a service member) Is his wife. I am sure, Buzz, seeing that you are a republican you won’t be apologizing for your scurrilous lie.
I had always thought that “has it in its sights” and variations were referring to metaphorical gun sights, i.e. the gun was aiming at the thing in its sights, which I think are those little things in the middle of the gun and/or at the tip of the barrel (or the telescopic scope?) that help with aiming.
However, I’m not a gun person or particularly adept at English in its many forms, so I could be wrong.
Trump called Palmer out of “concern for her safety” as in, it would be a shame if something were to happen to you because you voted to certify. That kind of Godfatherly concern?
I can picture the call, because I know how Trump worries about people:
Hey, Monica, it’s Don Corleone Trump. I saw you voted to certify the election. I’m worried about you Monica. You know, you might be in danger. It’d be a shame to see anything happen to you…
That makes it all the more evil. Understand my anger in this… Most all of my family members have served. My brother-in-law is career Army. My dad served in the Navy in WW2. Mrs darr is a Navy veteran. When shit is told this way we get angry at the liar. In this case Buzz Paterson (Goober).
Just thought I’d let ya know
There ought to be thought for people learning English as their second language. They’re a resilient tough bunch, through and through. Though you might expect one or two to say “Enough is enough,” too.