Hercules solved that one with a blue wave, didn’t he?
Zing, good one.
Well, it always offended me that so many in the Media referred to Obama as MR Obama while he was serving as president, so if they are making up for their lack of respect now, that is OK with me. At least the man WAS a real President while he was there.
This was in MSNBC, I think they all got so used to associating President with Obama for eight years. But yes once someone who was POTUS and is now no longer POTUS, should always be referred to as “former President”.
You know it was bad enough when news people had to stumble through George H W Bush, and George W Bush. In Europe they would tack on a descriptor, like Mad King George, the Younger, or the Lame. Maybe we should institute the Lame Brain Former President Trump?
Just arrest Trumpf, ok?
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Machinations! The endless machinations roll on…November elections will change so much…hopefully the groundbreaking work by the J 6 Commitee has an impactful conclusion…more likely the incoming majority arsonists will turn the work into another Muellar moment and work to subliminate the results as they have done for the past 18 months…
Career grifter also works…