The Thomas are completely deprived of ethics and shame, and all this happening under the nose of sanctimonious Chief Justice Roberts (who is ethically challenged himself).
Speaking of No Labels (WP w/paywall)
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has decided against running as the No Labels candidate for president after spending time and money gaming out the prospects of a centrist third-party bid against President Biden and former president Donald Trump.
The decision leaves the group with few remaining high-profile options for candidates, despite widespread public concern over the two major-party contenders. [Ed.: well, at least the fascist one]
“I appreciate the encouragement I’ve gotten to pursue a third-party candidacy,” Christie said in a statement to The Washington Post on Wednesday. “While I believe this is a conversation that needs to be had with the American people, I also believe that if there is not a pathway to win and if my candidacy in any way, shape or form would help Donald Trump become president again, then it is not the way forward.”. … (our emphasis)
Christie is displaying an admirable self- awareness and sense of duty to guard our democracy against the Malignant Loser.
The Michigan GOP continues to spiral into the singularity of stupidity
I suppose this will now be the technical legal term for what happens when a conservative bigwig gets involved in same-sex groping:
A Schlapp Suit.
Clear as a bell
Lou Arpino
Netanyahu hasn’t abandoned the hostages, he just hasn’t finished using them.
Everyone knows lawn mowers are the tools of a Zionistic cabal of neighborhood property value zealots.
I, for one, am extremely disappointed.
This is, apparently a metaphor; Eastman was not, in fact, burned.
Hollywood Reporter has more on the RNC/NBC failed plan to save Ronna
Also excellent articles on this in Slate (from Fred Kaplan, who knows his stuff) and the Atlantic (from Bibi’s biographer):
Gop Rep. blames Biden for MEGA being NUTS
Maddow Blog | As right peddles Key Bridge nonsense, GOP senator blames White House (
It is, of course, discouraging to realize that too much of the GOP base will find this compelling, but just as unsettling was seeing Republican Sen. Eric Schmitt tell Fox News’ Laura Ingraham last night that all of this should probably be blamed on the Biden White House.
Just to clarify, the Missouri senator didn’t suggest the White House was responsible for the bridge collapse**. Rather, Schmitt suggested the White House was responsible for the fact that much of the right doesn’t believe officials when they talk about the bridge collapse.**
But the Republican’s line was rather bonkers. To hear Schmitt tell it, the White House has engaged in dramatic abuses, which in turn has fueled distrust, which in turn creates a crisis of confidence in the wake of a disaster.
The Jewish Space Lasers℗ were down for maintenance.
Apparently Donnie has a lot of trouble, if not resentment, of society allowing other people to have power over him.
Not that it in any way tempers his irresponsible use, and abuse, of power when he has it over others, however.
Joe Lieberman was the RFK Jr. of Joe Manchins.
I miss Walter Cronkite.
It will be interesting to see how much money TFG can bring in with his Bible scam. It seems to me that the target audience has probably been fleeced already.
When I was in college, I knew guys who sold Bibles as a summer job. It was the most unethical business I knew. They knowingly targeted poor and elderly people, scheduling specific neighborhoods for days right after Social Security checks had been delivered (so maybe TFG can still bleed a few more bucks out of these people).
I assume those guys are MAGA now. Selling Bibles was a sign that I needed to steer clear, so I have lost track of them over the years. My guess is that they still believe that the end justifies the means and that their lust for money was more important than anything else.
I enjoyed reading Ganz’s piece about the kerfuffle over the Babylon Bee thing.
To play with @inversion’s image of safe kennels, it appears that when one of the Right’s own lands its satire a bit too close to home, the sense seems to be that those within said kennels don’t feel quite as safe as the appear to us sitting here on the outside.
If you watch Trump’s Bible commercial carefully, you’ll see that’s it’s referred to as “a family hairloom”.
There’s a certain irony in Lieberman’s passing, dying because of a fall, (no doubt brought on by his advanced age), while he was busy telling everyone how Biden is too old. He and Biden were both born in 1942.
CNN Exclusive: Conservative bigwig Matt Schlapp agreed to hefty settlement to end sexual assault lawsuit
This is my surprised face