You left out that we are represented by a President who wanks a mic. It just makes me so proud.
I believe that should be Merkin Duma, because this Senate is going to be about as functional as a pubic hair wig.
It is going to be the Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether administration.
Remember the adage about the Trump I administration, look for the stupidest reason or explanation for any decision and that will be the answer.
And Trump II is on steroids. So, I suspect it is going to be the stupidest possible decision they could do for the stupidest reason possible.
This is The Hive. We call them as we sees them. He didn’t wank a mic, he fellated a mic.
I really hope Jack Smith makes a complete, bomb-proof archive of all of his work and findings and stores it off-shore somewhere so it can be revived in four years’ time.
In fairness to pubic hair wigs, they’ve beensitting on the Supreme Court for decades now.
They gotz us by the short & curlies!
Looting the treasury and stripping the government for parts. Why else bring in Elmo and Ramaswamy? TCF will, of course, expect his cut, as will Putin.
That democracy thing worked pretty well until we voted against it.
Yeah, it’s going to be four years of grift, revenge, and hating on the out groups.
I hope and assume someone is keeping track of the criming, and that the fuckers will be prosecutable four years down the road.
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) says Trump is already breaking the law by not abiding by the provisions of the Presidential Transition Act.
OMG, people, for the 1000th time, Trump is not subject to U.S. laws. Sheesh.
No argument with that, in fact I believe he should be referred to as FIC from now on.
Yes please tell Puppy to stop IM’ing me
I’m guessing this is a five-alarm fire in the DoD and upper military echelons.
Pretty sure he did both
… we’re underestimating the risk of crony Orbanesque crony capitalism in a Trump II presidency.
This. Trump is on track to outdo Putin: full monte kleptocratic kakistocracy; it will be wild.
The clock is ticking down. In the meantime, there are health appointments to make, leaky toilets to repair, critterss to feed and water, and what’s left of creation to be thankful for.
I will skip my bum rap outlook for next year. My experience so far tells me I don’t know squat about politics. It seems to have happened here. America could only be defeated by Americans.
I’m guessing this is a five-alarm fire in the DoD and upper military echelons.
Nothing will happen until Putin sends Trump the hit list.