It’s Suddenly Dawning On Republicans That They Have A Major Abortion Problem

polling reflecting fairly low levels of Democratic enthusiasm for President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.

Something tells me the GOP is in for another revelation…


The first candidate who promises a national abortion ban (and leans into it) is going to rapidly close the gap with TFG. It is the only viable path to the Republican nomination for anyone not named “Donald Trump”. And I’ll bet he is praying no one figures this out.


And yet Laura Ingraham was on TV saying overturning Dobbs was the greatest conservative victory since WWII and Republicans she not be ashamed to be pro-pre-life (since they are not so strong on post birth life). It is almost as if they do not understand that their argument is based upon a religious concept that is not followed by other religions (although I saw something recently about a Catholic concept that the soul does not enter the fetus until 3 months so not a person before that. That article referenced St. Augustine.). So perhaps they will continue on the same path until they are replaced by more sensible people.



Before it turned into a zombie program that would not die, the Simpsons was pretty damn prescient.

This clip was from a Tree-house of Horror episode where aliens inhabited the bodies of Bill Clinton and Bob Dole in order to take over the planet. It seems that in short order even aliens were able to navigate what republicans perceive as the abortion labyrinth.


That will never happen.

The GQP have painted themselves into a corner they can’t escape from. Unless their electorate changes to be unrecognizable, if they lose the extremists, they will never win nationally again. Voters are not as easily buying the etch a sketch general election treatment anymore where they “move toward the center” - the ride or die types will sit home, and others will not be fooled.


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In the 1960s I asked my OB for a tubal ligation. I had 2 children and wanted no more, and was not a candidate for either the pill or for an IUD I was told that I had to have at least 3 children alive before I was permitted to have a tubal ligation. So, long story short, I became pregnant again about 8 years later…before Roe, but after New York State had made abortion legal. Fortunately, I could afford to travel to New York, which is what I did. Several years later , living in another state I again demanded a tubal ligation. This time I was “allowed” to decide my own fate. However, the hospital required my then husband to sign a statement that HE “allowed” me to decide that I would have no more babies.
I would never inflict the kind of humiliating insult on any man, and it is obscene for any man to presume the right to make women subject to their paternalistic whims.
Bad enough that it was the man I was married to, but to have some yahoo politician make the decision for me is too outrageous for words.


The Catholic Church has been fudging on ensoulment for a millenia and a half. First, it was birth. Then, at quickening. Now, with the invention of the electron microscope, MRIs, and ultrasounds, it’s conception.


Their oldest son molested his sisters and is currently serving a 12 year sentence for child pornography. Some role models.


Equally bad, and maybe even worse:


And no father figures around to help raise these kids. And the short bus Republicans wonder why there are so many angry, out of control kids running around causing trouble.


They loved the statis quo. The anti-abortion crowd gave them money and votes. In exchange they provided their voters a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.

Mostly they never thought their Senators would allow a sufficient number of True Believers on to the Supreme Court to actually overturn Roe. You can blame Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump for that mistake.


Well that makes two US Senators that don’t live in the state they’re suppose to represent. Hawley is the other one.


I wonder if American Catholics are trying to figure out how to make sure no woman wastes an egg during menses.


Soporific? How about sophomoric?


Kinda related to the theory that it is not the proliferation of guns that is the problem, but now the meme is that it is mental health that is the problem.


It’s wonderful how George Carlin is in a way more popular than ever in the age of YouTube. I often called him a “stand up philosopher.”

And I’d give your post a sparkly purple heart if I could.


Funny you mentioned that - I worked with his second wife Susan in her role as director of Hospice of the Valley for many years. She was tireless and sincere in her desire to get the medical community to accept hospice as a logical endpoint for a life well lived. She was an extremely nice person, always gracious and very easy to work with on difficult cases. The funny thing is I never questioned her last name or assumed she had any relationship with THAT Goldwater. I found out after I switched jobs to a different type of case management and long after the last time I saw her. I guess that speaks to her humility - I just never even guessed.


" The Ohio result tonight, coming on the heels of the shellacking in Michigan and the unexpected loss in Kentucky, needs to be a five-alarm fire for the pro-life movement,” tweeted Patrick Brown, a conservative scholar at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, on Tuesday.

Just wait til voters have a chance to weigh in on their anti- birth control message.