From what I read about Fox’s family and maternal leave policy in the other articles about secretary Pete’s leave it’s 12 weeks for their employees. I take it that Rupert’s Australia has a similar policy in place supported by the major political parties.
Even as the secretary is essentially working from home the department is aptly managed by deputy secretary, former NYC transportation Polly Trottenberg.
Tucker never got over Mommy dropping him on his head when he was a kid.
Unfortunately, responding to Carlson will only make things worse.
Makes you look defensive.
If it’s legal and ethical to take the leave, then Pete owes Carlson nothing at all.
Not even a response.
Yes! Here’s hoping Elise Stephanik gets redistricted out of congress.
Colorado already has two pending suits on the independent redistricting map.
Slowly wearing them down
I disagree. It Matters what you say and how you say it. Pete B is not defensive. What he’s doing is helping normalize paid family leave for men as well as women. It’s actually pretty aspirational. His willingness to be open and excited about it helps us all. And unlike the Repubs, he doesn’t consider benefits to be a zero sum game - this is something everyone should be able to have.
thta ‘breast-feeding’ comment of the Tuckers is interesting…it is downright Fruedian…scarey!!!
My son was new faculty when his wife was pregnant with their second child. The university gave him paternity leave for one quarter and he hadn’t yet taught his first course.
Update: “The University provides one academic term of paid parental leave for faculty members. The parental leave can be taken within the first year after delivery, adoption or placement for foster care for activities related to the care and well-being of their newborn or adopted child.”
I guess Tucks doesn’t want to give up his wet nurse.
I just can’t stand the hypocrisy. If Tucker had a family emergency he would be allowed at the bare minimum to have FMLA as an option. If a father’s whose wife delivered premature twins then the father gets to take FMLA.
I’m pretty sure the that farther up the pay scale the more accommodating one’s company can be.
Bow-Tie Boy also demeans it.
It’s like a shit sandwich, the more bread you have the less shit you have to eat.
“Tucker Carlson is a monster who doesn’t believe newborn children need the care of their parents.” That’s what Buttigieg should have said.
Not only does FoxNotNews have parental leave, MEN who work there take it, love it, and BOAST about it in the twitterverse.
He kinda did - just much more nicely.
We agree to disagree.
Does Tucker have a family? My guess is, he’s an Incel.
i don’t think so…he simply pointed out that every country in the world has FAMILYleave , except the USA and Ghana[?] i can’t imagine how just one parent manages with new-born twins…one at a time was hard enough…but twins? and one parent doing it all while the other was holding down a job…
I wasn’t thinking Freudian – more like junior high gym locker room, but without the wit.