Originally published at: Is The MAGA Tent Big Enough For Tulsi Gabbard?
Hello it’s the weekend. This is The Weekender After Pete Hegseth’s survival, it feels unbearably credulous to suggest that Republican senators may block any of Donald Trump’s remaining nominees. Still, the ground seems shakiest under Tulsi Gabbard, the recent Democrat and Bashar al-Assad fangirl, who is improbably gunning to be Director of National Intelligence. …
“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.” – Thomas Sowell
I didn’t wanna be frist
’ This is an era of total political war. Republicans have been booted from Trump’s good graces for crimes much less severe than running alongside “the enemy within.” And while Trump will take late-coming converts — if he only accepted those who were with him from the beginning, it’d be just him and, like, Rudy Giuliani — Gabbard is really late to the party. She was still a “libtard” after Trump’s first glorious term."
Thankyou TPM for giving us the Weekender without TSF’s face messing it up.
Trump is a bullshitter straight up and all the time. He says things to gain something he wants or to hide something nasty he’s done or intends to do. Whether the thing he says is true, false, or in between is a matter of complete indifference to him.
Every single Trump quote should have BS marks instead of quote marks around it.
Hegseth is a true DEI hire.
Actually, I think Tulsi Gabbard will be confirmed.
Yes, she was a democrat (small d intended), is female and not white. She is the DEI of the Trump administration that says it is against DEI, because they want to facetiously face like they are like previous more inclusive administrations. Doesn’t make sense? Don’t worry mostly what they do does not, and this is one of the least.
Tulsi Gabbard would be utterly subservient, destructive and trolling towards Democrats. Republicans of all stripes will lover her for the 3-fer she brings.
Any Republican against her and other nominees would be banished from the Republican party for not being sufficiently MAGA, particularly ones that voted against Pete Hegseth. And what reason will these defecting Republicans give for that vote? Alcoholism and obvious misbehavior are not on the board.
I am still looking for political gravity that takes out unqualified people. I think the only reason Matt Gaetz was canned was because the corruption was too close to other members of Congress. In other words, if Gaetz went down, he might take others with him in a paper thin majority in the House, and the Republican Senators knew that issue.
Republicans do not allow defectors within their party. Defections that occur will be symbolic only. They probably would like that symbolism because it gives them a tiny fig leaf later for all the Republican Senators to hide behind later.
But they all know.
Can the press ever acknowledge that Tulsi is a brainwashed member of a freaky Hare Krishna cult led by a wannabe leader of the Hindu world who is transparently using her as a tool of global influence?
That seems like it might be relevant. But I guess it’s rude to inquire when The Hurt Locker is labeled “RELIGION,” no matter how fucked up the contents are.
Trump ends Fauci’s security detail and says he’d feel no responsibility if harm befell him
Speaking to reporters in North Carolina on Friday, Trump said he wouldn’t feel any responsibility if harm befell the former government officials. A person familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive security issues, said that Fauci’s federal security detail was ended on Thursday and that he has since hired private security.
Mostly unrelated, but I have a question: Let’s suppose you’re a high-level executive at a large corporation and you’re watching what Trump is doing to the govt. right now: Aren’t you getting a little nervous right about now? I’m sure that there’s a certain level of salivating at the possibilities of all the corruption that’s in store, but is that actually more lucrative to US business than a functioning government? Whether it’s supporting new developments in pharma, or all the work that flows to construction companies or defense contractors—far more stuff than I can think of at the moment, and far more than I even know about–the US govt. is a huge economic driver for business. Making the govt. incompetent, and redirecting funds from where they’re supposed to go and into the pockets of greedy Trumpist bureaucrats, does not seem like a long-term win for business. Shutting down govt. support of R&D and data collection does not seem like a win either. I would think that saner business minds, who might otherwise be swayed by their greed to support Republicans, would see that the Trump model is likely to be a huge negative for business in the long run. Of course, I am prone to overestimate the sanity of other humans on a regular basis, so they’ll all probably gleefully join in on burning the place to the ground.
[Who’s gonna stop him?]
[Folies a deux]
Judge Bans Rhodes From DC
Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes has been freed from prison but he’s no longer free to visit the Capitol. Judge Amit Mehta has banned Rhodes and seven other militia members whose sentences were commuted by President Trump from entering Washington, DC, without permission. The order changing their conditions of supervised release, issued two days after Rhodes visited Capitol Hill, also specifically bans Rhodes and the other Oath Keepers from visiting the Capitol and the surrounding area without court permission, Politico reports. In 2023, Mehta sentenced Rhodes to 18 years for his role in the Capitol attack, telling him he presents “an ongoing threat and a peril to this country, to the Republic and the very fabric of our democracy.”
Really, No body wants to play in the gutter
Elon Musk Says X Growth Is ‘Stagnant,’ Revenue Is ‘Unimpressive’ in Leaked Email to Staff
Militarized Keynesianism. Of course, we need a few wars to use up ordnance and equipment as fast as it can be made to give that boost to certain businesses and a narrow range of industries would benefit. Trump is big on nukes, too.
Almost certainly a Republican high-level executive, seems to go with the territory.
So nah, they are not nervous because denial is an integral part of the Republican psyche as well as bowing a knee to authority. It probably feels very natural to them.
Leopards coming to eat our face feels very odd to you or I. They just don’t see leopards.
We have the result in Los Angeles of “burning the place to the ground” and how functional that approach is to “governing”. When nothing of a formerly functioning office remains it’s kinda hard to accomplish anything at all. trump’s approach seems to be … burn it down and leave it burnt or burn it down & replace with loyalists attempting to function in a burnt office without desks, chairs or things one sees in a functioning office.
I need a little help from some English majors. Should it be president pant load or president pants load?
I think president pant load has a better sound. What does the hive think?
It’s going to get so much worse here in the southwest.
We got a brief “sprinkle” a couple of weeks ago - unmeasurable really - but that’s all the precipitation we’ve had in Tucson since last October, I think.
No spring wildfowers for us this year.
“Leopards coming to eat our face feels very odd to you or I. They just don’t see leopards.”
… they are the leopards!