Iowa And NH Pledge Not To Cancel Their GOP Caucus, Primary

Two crucial states in the primary process won’t be eliminating their GOP nomination contests.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I have to admit I’m confused by the states cancelling their primaries. Aren’t there down-ballot races that need to be voted on? If they’re still voting on those, then aren’t they only cancelling the presidential primaries. It may be semantics, but I haven’t seen an article yet that makes it clear.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful optics if trump started the official election season by losing within his own party? Even though he would eventually still have the delegates for a coronation, the news value would be delicious.


You’d think Little Donnie would relish the opportunity to crush the likes of Joe Walsh and Bill Weld. Instead he’s afraid of them. Not strong!


“Over the weekend, South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Kansas’ Republican Parties announced that they wouldn’t hold their primaries or caucuses, effectively protecting President Donald Trump from any Republican challengers.”

Brave, brave Sir Donald.

Who nearly fought the Dragon of Angnor.

Who nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol.

And who personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.

(“He’s buggered off! He’s scarpered!”)


It would make the other states’ cancelling of their primaries look even more like the Republican primary and nomination processes for 2020 are … what’s that word? Oh, yeah - RIGGED!


Many states have separate primaries for down-ballot races. For example, Kansas will have their’s on August 4, 2020.


Iowa National Committeeman Steve Scheffler told the AP that upholding the state’s caucuses was “never even up for discussion.”

We’re not going to shut the door on anyone and say, ‘You’re not welcome,'” he said.

Steve Duprey, GOP national committeeman of New Hampshire, agreed.

Under no circumstances will the New Hampshire primary ever be canceled, whether there’s token opposition or a serious contest,” Duprey told the AP.



Don’t forget to include Mark Sanford in that fearsome bunch.


You had to go there. Now I’m all a-feared.

As if the whole Appalachian Trail prequel wasn’t scary enough.


‘Well spake, sir!’

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Thanks for that!

I don’t know about Sanford and Walsh, but Weld will make a great deal of Republicans reminisce.

The main-line Republicans always needed those whose tribal affiliations (race, ethnicity, resentment, bigotry) induced them to reject the Democrats, who were seen as a
“___________________- loving” (pick your minority or besieged group) rabble looking to give low-lifes free ___________ (pick your “gift”-to-the-lazy).

Now they got the Guy-Who-Never-Needed-To-Pivot-To-The-Center.

Now they know what it DOES and what it does to all of us.

“that fearsome bunch”

Apparently Spanky agrees with you.

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I want Kasich to get involved. And he probably will.

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Again…amateur hour in the GOP.

Trump would probably loose or slightly win in Iowa/NH, so a slam dunk win in SC immediately following would put the challenges in a deep hole. Instead the chicken-sh*ts try to game the system to fight off challengers.

Bigger tell…Trump doesn’t want to debate anyone in GOP before General Election. This tells you that Donnie knows he doesn’t have what it takes to go the distance and wants to tilt things in his favor.


I’m still lost back on the Tallahassee Trail somewhere…


It’s the Authoritarian way. Republicans are into that, these days.


I actually expect Weld to make a good showing in NH. Unless that state has just become so overrun with Gadsden-waving Freestaters that the old GOP Brahmins are an endangered species.


He’s probably foaming at the mouth at this point.