Well sure, the crimes.
Too on the nose?
Smiley Weisselberg!
Nothing like the aroma of fresh marinate in the air for that goose to be soaked and cooked in.
" Investigators Just Obtained Boxes Of Evidence On Weisselbergs And Trump Org In Criminal Probe"
I was about to express surprise that Allen and Barry Weisselberg don’t both sleep with the fishes already since we are dealing with an organized crime cartel here but then it struck me that Trump world is too besieged by prosecutors and grand juries to be able to get out in front of any development at this point. They’re struggling just to keep heads above water and even that won’t be manageable for much longer.
It’s good to be on the nose every once in a while, otherwise everyone would be off the nose all the time.
With a cast of main characters this deranged and over the top bit players have to get up pretty early in the morning to steal any scenes. She is trying her best, bless her heart!
Nah, even sharks have taste. T**** is just chum.
I doubt T**** would ooze anything any self-respecting shark would want to tear into.
It’s just that most of my career has involved walking the narrow, twisting path between the obvious way and the freaky for fear of being obvious way. It can make you a little broody. But sometimes on the nose is funny.
She will be heard.
"Did you notify the Coast Guard about this??? THIS WAS NO BOATING ACCIDENT!!"
Let’s just say that there are a lot of people who have a lot of information about Trump.
(Spanish translation)
Nobody has posted the “we’re gonna need a bigger boat” gif yet
Maximus came close above
That music is so shark-like.
We’re going to need a bigger shark.
Would you do a contract killing for Trump, the way he runs his mouth? It’s a guaranteed conviction.