“Rep. Gaetz has never paid for sex [the other guys handled the money, Mattie just found the girls], nor has he had sex with an underage girl [under the age of 16, that is]. What began with blaring headlines about ‘sex trafficking’ has now turned into a general fishing exercise about vacations and consensual relationships with adults [consensual, as in 'If you pay for my vacation and give me another $2,000 cash, I’ll consent to have sex with you],” the spokesman said.
OT, another
Good Lord, yet another damned story on this guy.
I maintain my position that nothing is going to happen to him. On another thread, someone referenced the lost possibility of Al Franken as majority leader in the Senate. He resigned on the revelation of a story that didn’t even have any real basis in fact and Gaetz is still walking the halls of Congress and thumbing his nose at every story that comes out. He knows he’s going to be released on his own recognizance no matter the outcome of the facts.
I’m tired of this story. It’s relentless and it’s obscuring more important things that are going on. When the front page of TPM has more stories on this than on anything else, it’s overkill.
Let me know when the indictments and resignation come. Before that, it’s all pearl-clutching and I thought we were all above that.
I’ve brought that Clinton-Trump polling up myself numerous times. But the Giuliani name is pretty much shit. His dad ruined whatever credibility or luster the name had. And his son is just another Trump puppet like the father. I’m pretty sure New York voters would rather have Cuomo than another Trump flunky by the name of Giuliani. It would be like giving Trump a get out jail free card regarding any state charges.
Another Matt Gaetz morning. Much as I’d like Gaetz to be got, I’d rather see a story about the Chauvin trial and the remarkable testimony by police officials and what this could mean in the future - if anything. How about more on the infrastructure bill, or what’s happening as the Covid relief checks go out?
To be fair, it’s not like he is answering questions from journalists.
“There is no cannibalism in the British navy, absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount.”
I stole this from occamscoin, who borrowed it from Monty Python.
I rather have the media focus on this than w/e phony culture war of the week the gop is running.
If journos were ever given access I’m confident their questions would be idiotic. Any ten minute stretch watching what Jen Psaki deals with confirms that.
Fair point, though not all of them are trash, the WH press pool does give journalism a bad name.
I like watching him flopping and wriggling about. And I like seeing the connections exposed. There’s a lot of deviant and corrupt behavior in the modern loudmouth GOP.
Yep - but do I expect any of it to change as a result of the exposure?
In fact, they will wear it as a badge of honor and go along their merry way with no penalty.
Tots and pears.
If Gaetz was black and not part of the Republican Christian Taliban (Evangelical), he’d be sitting in jail waiting trial! But no, this is how law enforcement works in the US…whites are presumed innocent and blacks are presumed guilty.
I listen to the BBC. At 6PM EST Stephen Sackur has an interview show, HARDtalk. He gets top shelf guests, heads of state, dignitaries, titans of industry. Major guests and power brokers. He absolutely filets them, brutal questioning. To the point I wonder why the hell they even agree to do his show. It’s great journalism. It’s like listening to the 6 year old ask their Dad in the park, “Why does that lady have a big mole on her nose?” NOTHING is off limits. If DC had three of him roaming the halls it would be beautiful.
It’s been ever so much fun, this All Gaetz All The Time news channel thing, but yeah, I’m ready for them to just arrest him and charge him. I understand these things have to be done by the book and take as long as they’re going to take. But I’m ready, just saying.
It’s interesting to watch the Washington wheels grinding so hard every time one of their falsehoods gets knocked down.”
It’s interesting to watch the spokesman play the “fake news” card to try to change the subject.
Little does he know that we are ready to change the subject as well. Not that we aren’t in favor of an investigation. It’s more that we’re ready to talk about things that matter. Matty doesn’t matter.
According to CBS News, investigators are also looking into whether or not Gaetz was accepting paid escorts in exchange for political access or legislative favors.
I think CBS and TPM have buried the lede.
The more I’ve read about Gaetz lifestyle, the more it has become clear that he’s not paying for this on the salary of a member of Congress. I’ve assumed he receives income from family wealth, but it has to be a considerable sum to live this large. Otherwise, he’s being bribed and / or raiding his campaign cash.
I suspect – and I think the feds do too – it’s all of the above.
Well the forecast for charges and arrest was “a couple of weeks” the other day. Won’t come soon enough for us, but way too quickly for the guilty one. heh heh