Inside Trump and Barr’s Last-Minute Killing Spree | Talking Points Memo

The pardon for the Blackwater murderer of children and the execution of the criminal murderer of children were both done for the same reason, politics. It has nothing to do with mercy, guilt, or vengeance; Trump doesn’t give a shit about any of those things. It was all political theater.


Well, I question whether there was much of a rational purpose to it. I think he admires people who live out their sadistic impulses. He pardoned someone who set a dog on a homeless person who wasn’t resisting or doing anything wrong. Sadism is a huge component of malignant narcissism, which many professionals are sure is what ails him.


The same people who tell us that the government doesn’t have the authority to feed hungry people tell us that it does have the authority to execute criminals.


So when a judge rules that trump’s accounting firm has to give up his tax returns, there’s an automatic stay while an appeal is filed, because “irreparable harm”. When a judge rules that it’s OK to execute a prisoner, it’s OK to kill them while the appeal is being filed. Because.

Note, btw, that Rosen, who helped implement these executions, would almost certainly be excluded from any jury in which the death penalty was an issue, because of his inability to act impartially.

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Just reading about this stuff would make someone pro-death penalty think twice. I believe many folks are for it in principle, but have shied away from ever giving it any thought in detail.