Did TPM do an article explaining what options, if any, the voters of his district have to demand a recall and new election? If I missed it, I’d appreciate a link.
Step 1: Amend the Constitution.
Step 2: Follow whatever procedures the new constitutional amendment says.
Republicans are gonna regret getting rid of proxy voting when Santos is in prison.
You know who it reminds me of? That due from Queens… the mobbed-up Real Estate Developer, oh, damn, what was his name? You know, Stormy Daniels’ side piece. Help me out… .you know who I mean. The orange “bronzer” guy. Whatiz name…
They’ll be considered full of shit, you know what’s that like.
Well, death would open up additional options, but there aren’t currently any obvious signs of imminent death due to natural causes on Santos’ part (though if he ever releases a note from his doctor telling us how healthy he is, it might be time to reevaluate).
My wife said she saw speculation that his name isn’t even George Santos because apparently during roll call or something they called his name several times and he just sat there, oblivious, like he didn’t know they were talking to him. I doubt that’s the case, but if so, that’s hilarious.
Everyone’s on his case, and these guys will be heard.
Another problem for McCarthy is if Santos agrees to resign from Congress as part of a plea deal with the DOJ or NY State. Given how long financial cases can take to prosecute though, this might not happen until the next election cycle.
With room and board provided, Santos would be able to bank his salary—unless those mean feds go after it.
Seed money for another scheme.
I think one of the articles about the check fraud noted he was going by the name Tony Devolder in Brazil.
He was in the midst of composing a tweet.
The fact that this is just a minor plot line in the 2022 election season is the true sign of how absolutely batshit this whole thing is. I’m glad you’re writing this down for posterity, because no one would believe it otherwise in the future.
He fits right in with the rest of the GQP.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the new governor of Arkansas, not Georgia.
I do like the Colonel Sanders moniker.
Santos needs the paycheck. Only a deal to avoid prison will get him out. He’s made friends there.
Il Bacco is “on record” with the Lucchese family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahm7tT2pbO0
The only people that say latinx are NPR reporters.
Lost in daydreams of his next career step: Infinity and Beyond!