Insane Christmas Photo From GOP Congressman’s Family To Yours | Talking Points Memo

Come on, that actually that would have been cute,


They would in Milwaukee.


Huh. Just realizing that my sister was in his class there.

True story: my sister’s admission letter had two spelling errors; my mom joking told her she wouldn’t pay to send a child of hers to a school with such shoddy standards.

My limited experience, visiting my sister when she was in school and when she worked there later, was the exact opposite. Everyone I met was friendly and accepting - I think for most of them, finding a safe place where they could nerd out without the usual high school social repercussions was liberating.

ETA: Meant to also say, it’s a big school.


In the 80s is was full of immigrant geniuses who had “MIT” emblazoned on every piece of clothing they owned. They looked hilarious to me.

I went to a biotech conference there in 1985 and there was a row—a long row— and everyone seated in it had won a Nobel Prize. And super-cool: They announced that that day’s speaker, Michael Brown had just won his that morning.

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It’s just too good to be true.

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I almost think it should be left as a monument to folly - the graffiti being a repudiation of everything the people built it stood for, the pedestal supporting nothing. Thinking of the Berlin wall, which became the world’s largest art canvas - on the Western side.


There are a few viral cancers, but not many. Mostly you get it from windmills.


Ask South Africa and Rhodesia how that worked out for them.

It is now, the end of the beginning. The tide has turned and evil has shown its fear in countless demonstrations of depravity. It will not end well for them.

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I remember Andy smoking cigarettes in the evening.


That is indeed some nightmare fuel, but…

…it’ll be at least a little while before we need to worry about the MAGAts staging an Article V convention.

And with their age demographics, it’s even less likely.

One traffic stop and all of their identities are revealed.


Takes place in the Carolinas, right? That’s tobacco country.

But cigarette smoking on television was common in those days. Sammy did it while he was singing.



Exactly. My niece never felt like she truly belonged anywhere until she went to college and then onto grad school. She had a doctoral fellowship at MIT.

Visiting her in Boston around 20 years ago, I remember thinking that many MIT students had bigger things to think about than how they dressed, etc. I loved them!

Doesn’t matter if his sisters “forgave” him for what he did to them.
And remember that Christopher Belter who was not sentenced to jail, but placed on interim probation with the stipulation that he had limited access to the internet, and access to pornography. What gets lost is in that first sentencing he was also required to take libido reducing drugs. And he couldn’t manage that.
The first set of restrictions placed on him was to keep him as a Youthful Offender and not an adult. But then he broke the conditions, and was considered an adult and still isn’t going to go to jail. Second judge thought jail wouldn’t be appropriate for this defendant.


Wasn’t there a similar story to this earlier in the year? the Kaki-pants goose-stepping frail boys wanted to make a scene - but ran into a group of people who found them to be annoying & chased them away and then the little NAZIs had to scramble to get reunited with their rented box truck


So I have to have the right kind of cancer, and then lick you to spread it?




Feline leukemia, sure. Read about the Tasmanian Devil face cancer spread among them by sex-biting.


I do seem to remember an episode of All in the Family wherein Archie visits his doctor, who is an overweight smoker with the classic smoker’s cough.

And then pulls out an AR-15 and blows its head off?