‘Indefensible’: PA Lt. Gov. Blasts GOP Move Parroting Trump’s Anti-Democratic Shenanigans | Talking Points Memo

The Mitch McConnell cohort is going on record. The other Senator from Arkansas.

.@JohnBoozman says he will not object to electoral votes: "Not one of the lawsuits filed found evidence of widespread fraud or irregularities that would have changed the outcome of the election. Similarly, not a single state’s outcome changed as a result of requested recounts." pic.twitter.com/BfA7qfX5vN

— Grace Panetta (@grace_panetta) January 5, 2021

The world continues to go fucking insane. There’s this shit in PA. And then there’s news that the Kenosha cop that shot Jacob Blake in the back SEVEN TIMES will not be charged. I’m an old white man who’s also a scientist and tutors kids in my spare time. What kind of fuckup thinks it’s OK to shoot anybody in the back SEVEN TIMES at close range? Seriously, this is fucking deranged. This is sheer madness. The cop isn’t shooting BBs or spitballs into a paper target. You don’t shoot somebody SEVEN TIMES at close range unless you intend to torture/punish/kill them. Nobody can tell me that a cop who’s wearing a bullet proof vest is going to fear for his life while shooting a man in the back SEVEN TIMES.

My.God. This is Hell on Earth.


Not while the republicans control just over half the state legislatures. Especially now that the game is fully out and openly discussed that they’d never win another national election.

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Think she can challenge since she’s a sitting senator until the winner of the run-off is determined.

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Sorry, didn’t mean to…


No, really, I’m sorry.

It’s just that…
*“Snort! Teeeheeeheeee…” *



You ever shot a semi-automatic pistol? That’s a couple of seconds at most, while he had also been trying to grab the guy and keep him out of the car where it had already been established that he had a knife. This wasn’t some execution-style thing or with plenty of time to plan out shots while the guy was actively trying to escape.

It was a negotiated compromise. The firm wanted her resignation to be retroactive and to claw back all salary, expenses and perks.


The Pennsylvania GOP has gone from sane reasonable folks like John Heinz, Dick Thornburgh and Arlen Spector to a gang of anti democratic goons. I wouldn’t be surprised if they broke out Frank Rizzos old night stick and threatened people.


Which in my eyes seems funny, because of our system of Presidential elections, Trump is the one who didn’t carry the ball over the line for victory. People don’t vote on election day for the VP on the ticket. Pence will end up just fine, he’s got the perfect CV for a position on some Evangelical Christian organization. And if one squints and looks at this situation in a certain light what more can Trump do for Pence?


Damn that thing called “evidence”, damn it all to hell!


I’ve read 3 U.S.C. § 15 a few times in the last few weeks and, to me, it’s worrying what happens when there is an objection for a state that has only one slate of electors. This is the key section I think (simplified a bit):

When all objections so made to any [slate of electors] shall have been received and read, the [Senate and House] shall thereupon withdraw, and such objections shall be submitted [for argument and vote]; and no electoral vote or votes from any State [1] which…have been regularly given by electors whose appointment has been lawfully certified to according to section 6 of this title from which but one return has been received shall be rejected, [2] but the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes when they agree that such vote or votes have not been so regularly given by electors whose appointment has been so certified.

So the two marked clauses
[1] if there’s only one slate of electors submitted in accordance with Section 6 then it cannot be rejected
[2] the House and Senate could agree in separate votes, however, that “such votes have not been so regularly given”, i.e. they are not in accordance with section 6, and reject them

My take is that it is legally possible - though not going to happen tomorrow - for the House and Senate to jointly reject the votes of a state even when that state has only submitted one slate of electors. This is what keeps me up at night about setting this precedent. What if the GOP controlled both houses? Seems to me they could simply vote to reject a state’s slate of electors. Since the only requirement for election is “majorty” of valid EVs, that would remove that state’s EV total from the denominator of the calculation. 538 possible down to 518 in the case of PA for example.

I don’t like it. 3 U.S.C. § 15 needs an update.

Edit to add: Oops forgot the Kabuki part. It’s totally Kabuki, but I don’t think their “plan” was to replace one slate with another - at least not at this point. They’re now just looking to discard the slates of electors and essentially remove AZ, GA, and PA from the EV count entirely.


I tend to look at Trump’s attitude towards things like this as if he is now a scorned wife, left behind but deservedly so. He will hound Pence to the end of his days if Pence does his job properly.


Partners aren’t playing with their income. She reached into their pocket books.


Liberty University needs a new president.

That’s the essence of Josh’s Which Side Are You On? post. It’s only Kabuki until the GOP controls both chambers.


Well she should be careful - she’s going to have a hard time finding another firm that will take her and if she follows Sidney Powell down that rabbit hole, she stands a chance of losing her license.


She’s still running down the hole. She said it was pressure from liberal activists or something. Maybe she should shut up.


-In the car. not in hand.

Until he tried to get in his car, which is when he was shot. They followed him all the way around the car, trying to get him to stop, and it wasn’t until he opened the door and was halfway in that the cop shot.

While presiding over the Reichstag in 1932, Hermann Goering “turned ostentatiously to the left side of the house and pretended not to hear” von Papen’s objection before banging down the gavel – leading immediately to the dissolution of parliament, and ultimately to absolute rule by Hitler.

In 1946, at his Nuremberg trial, he recalled the incident: “It was a matter of indifference to me by what means I brought our party to power. If by parliamentary negotiations, very good; if through appointment by the President, all the better.”


You’re not quite here yet…


Yes. You really should stop right there. Why? Because SEVEN is blatant fucking overkill to anyone who is trained in how to use a gun. This is a service gun. It could be a .40, or a .45, or a 9 mm or a 10 mm, or something else. It makes little difference. I also know exactly what a .32 will do, thank you very much, and a good shot could kill you with one bullet from a .22 handgun. I also know what a 12 gauge shotgun will do with various loads of shot size. I’m also familiar with some really “nasty” rifles which I won’t discuss further. NOBODY in their right mind ever needs to fire SEVEN rounds into anybody’s back. NOBODY.

The fact that SEVEN rounds were fired indicates to me that maybe the target had an exceptionally good reason to believe there was a genuine need to save his own life.