In Pardon Play, Blagojevich Says Dems Would Impeach Lincoln

Unless the Copperheads got help from a percentage of the Republican majority, a Lincoln impeachment wasn’t happening.


Corruption is a learned behavior. None of us is born corrupt, it’s just that some of us are better learners. Trump’s controller, Vladimir Putin, was not very good at anything in the early 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed and he ended up getting investigated in St. Petersburg politics, failed to make it in elected politics and wound up sleeping on Medvedev’s couch. But then something miraculous happened around 1994, Putin’s board position on SPAG, a German registered real estate company that did work laundering money for the Cali Cartel, which at that time controlled about 90% of the global cocaine trade and had a fun monicker “Cali KGB” (hat-tip to Netflix Narcos season 3). The lesson was that fear of violence was even better than violence. No plomo, just plata. And as the first generation of oligarchs began to rise, they needed to move their money abroad to invest in safe places like London real estate. In 1994 the Cali Cartel was still at the top of its game. Loser Putin over the next four years climbed to head of the FSB in 1998 (successor to the KGB), and deputy prime minister in 1999. He then had Yeltsin begging for mercy on his family if he would just let him live. A few months later, in March 2000, Putin was elected president. The Cali cartel collapsed, but Putin had learned what a global operation looked like.Trump’s corruption looks pretty petty in contrast, but then always the poor student.


Desperate and manipulative logic like this should result in his being put in solitary confinement.


Can we just unpack this here bit of ridiculousness?

  1. impeachment is the only way we will have a new president in 2020
  2. if Mango Mussolini is the president, he won’t be “new”
  3. STFU and leave us alone, Tulsi “Fox’s fave Democrat” Gabbard

But if he offered Trump his “hair gene” to cure the dotard’s baldness perhaps he could make a deal.

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No Hair color in Prison


Lincoln was certainly a heroic, courageous figure. However, any historical reassessment should fault him for failing to let the South just walk. Binding them to the Union through war, and then saddling everyone in the aftermath with his VP Johnson, have not proven good choices. Slavery would have ended regardless, and the backward, racist reprobates would at least have been quarantined from infecting the North, via membership in Congress and their participation in all our national debates, as they have now for nearly 150 years afterward.


Though I did, Lincoln wasn’t a perfect politician and there were guys who knew who to goto and what to do, to get a favor or a position in the Lincoln administration.

That said, Lincoln never betrayed America like Trump.


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So … is this a Blago attempt at that thing called quid pro quo?

And OT, but really good news:


The “Bag man” speaks.
Happy New Year, Rod.

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I wish him the best of luck with that.



Oh fine. Now we have an assessment from a guy so incredibly and obviously crooked he would have been convicted of bribery by a jury of twelve His Moms. I don’t think our political discourse, which can use all the help it can get and has no right to be fussy, is much elevated thereby. :roll_eyes:


So he sits there watching his life tick away and now sees the need for compassion that he missed when he was fat catting in the governor’s mansion. I think maybe Blag is trying to get Trump to consider the political calculus of pardoning a Democrat. Trump? Calculus? Ha. Ha.

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That might derail his pardon chances… Trump doesn’t care for people with better hair than his.


One plea from the sofa of Fox & Friends by Pete Hegseth and Blagojevich is a free man.


Hindsight is so 2020…

“See” what I did there?