Fake tweet.
I am not kidding.
Emmanuel Macron’s former primary school teacher has never borne him any children. Which is admittedly pretty funny and fully French.
Fake tweet.
I am not kidding.
Emmanuel Macron’s former primary school teacher has never borne him any children. Which is admittedly pretty funny and fully French.
The most emotional person in the room commands all of the attention…and disdain. Histrionics and drama, those are McCarthy’s game, much like the “former guy.” They don’t stand for anything except obstruction and pathetic pleas.
All evidence to the contrary…
Prediction: if she is primaried, she will lose. Most primary voters are the Truest of True Believers, the people willing to be bothered to show up. That “fringe” of the Republican party is all in for Trump and Trumpism. I can’t see any reason to believe this is less true in Wyoming than anywhere else. See link previously posted as to how the leaders of the Wyoming Republican Party have already gone on record about Ms. Cheney’s lack of fealty to their god–and that was before she kept up riding the same horse, to the point of losing her party leadership position over it. Getting herself appointed to Speaker Pelosi’s 1/6 committee won’t help.
And, as in my state, their primary is the only contest that matters. I can predict with 99.999% certainty that the general election candidate for House with the R after their name will win Wyoming’s House race in 2022.
But, again, we’ll see soon enough.
Well, at least it wasn’t “binders full of women.”
As far as we know…
Big Lie 2.0?
The base is so sure that Trump would do a better job.
Might be easier for them. They might well know whohas computer lists of folks planning to attend.
Have you heard anything about the possibility that Kinzinger might be chosen by Pelosi to serve on the committee? Didn’t something like 35 House GOPers vote to form this investigative committee. Where are they now?
Always a good bet to bat a republican is lying
"Pelosi can’t just look the other way, not like she’s Jim Jordan at the showers as coach. " said Colbert tonight. McCarthy said we got military, we got law enforcement. We got? We got toejam football. Sounds like Kevey talk like Trump now.
Agreed, but I don’t think they have until the midterms. Every day she comments on his mismanagement of the committee and he can’t make her stop is a day that weakens him.
I though we had agreed in this forum that vaginas are way superior, balls are delicate and easy to smash, vags can take a pounding. Since Trump’s first impeachment we don’t say “grow a pair”, but “grow a vag” as women were proven to be the most valiant witnesses
No I meant the optics of axing someone who figures quite high in the GOP. That’s what I thought would make it hard for Pelosi.
Pelosi cannot appoint anyone for the five republican-nominated slots on the committee. She can only approve or reject the minority leader’s nominations. But as she pointed out today, the committee already has a bipartisan quorum with the 8 existing members.
Someone suggested huevos, which has the advantage of also working for “ovaries”. So, the Spanish idiom for the win. (Also works in German, and no doubt several other languages.)
Emmanuel Macron’s former primary school teacher has never borne him any children. Which is admittedly pretty funny and fully French.
For some reason, that reminded me of this.
... and surely you've been looking for a reason to kick smoking! For Mormons it's forbidden! Parisian: This is madness! Mitt Romney: No, it is a step on the path to redemption... and you, monsieur, look like a believer who wants to get back with his...
Trudeau is a national treasure, to be sure.
Okay, thanks. I wonder if she approached him to be one of her nominees though to make it even more bi-partisansy after she approached and chose Cheney when she said you betcha by golly.
I wonder if she approached him to be one of her nominees
Non-starter. She had 8 slots out of 13. She used 7 for dems to guarantee the majority, then offered the 8th to cheney for the optics and the lols. Pelosi has used all her slots.