House impeachment managers will close their arguments in the trial on Thursday by focusing in on former President Trump’s role in inciting the Capitol insurrection, according to two senior aides on the impeachment managers’ team.
Apparently, what we still don’t know is “everything.” And yes, he’s citing the same Revolver News that Trump endorsed when it demanded that protesters be shot.
I’m a bit confused. How is it illegal to deliver voter register forms late?
I presume the only penalty is that those voters would be ineligible to vote. If they were allowed to vote, then the fault is the GA SoS, not the group that turned in the forms.
If they could only find a semi-plausible reason to do it. So far they have the high crime of traveling to his home in Delaware even though the CDC recommended no travel. Oh, the humanity.
I’m sure the regulations require you to take on the responsibility of returning all forms you acquire on time…otherwise, you could be using the process to defraud people into thinking they’ve been registered and then finding out they can’t vote. The right wing will play this up to make it look like this is part of how the voter fraud is committed, and that the forms turned in late were all nefariously selected to be late because they were from innocent Trump voting white people who the blacks are out to get vengeance upon.
Faux News will probably get its hands on a list of the people whose registrations were late and then call around until they find an angry single mom who will go on air to tell the world she would have voted for Trump if not for those sneaky, tricksy negroes.
So another example of using the law to weaponize administrative mistakes in voter registration.
Also notable that the only other thing they could find on the New Georgia Project is less than $10k in unpaid unemployment taxes. Basically, they’re putting GA Democrats under the microscope and finding next to nothing in violations.