‘Imminent Threat’? Shifting Rationale For The Soleimani Strike

Fat Mike is bound to be thrown overboard as soon as Moron realizes what a gigantic clusterfuck this has become. Sorry for word, but there’s no other way to describe it.


it is “incumbent” on the administration to “prevent evidence”

I love those accidental bon mots.


Hard to image Fat Nixon channeling “loser” John McCain…


This will melt into, “It doesn’t matter if there really was an ‘imminent’ threat! What matters is that we took a dangerous player off the board! Are you saying that Soleimani, who was responsible for the deaths of many Americans, should have been left alone? Is that what you think should have been done?”

Like I said earlier, this is the Iraq war justification all over again, but clumsier and stupider.


It’s become clear that Trump didn’t think our troops could beat this general on the battlefield.

So he decided to use a covert military unit inside the White House to circumvent the Pentagon and do a Russian Mafia style hit job on Soleimani instead. No one in the Pentagon would have ever presented such an assassination as an option and we all know it.

So when will we get to find out that the Special Forces war criminal that Trump recently pardoned and who stands on the stage besides Trump’s at his political rallies was the one who commandeered this drone strike which assassinated the Iranian general?

Since when does an American president get to have his own personal military combat unit designed to even scores with his adversaries? How is it being paid for? Has he been using it domestically? Will Hunter Biden get special security because of this?


Americans were plotting imminent action on impeachment, so a foreign boogey-man had to be taken out immediately. To save Republican political lives.


Am I out of line thinking this was done in part to gin up the Christian Evangie base? They think this is another step towards the Rapture. We know it was done to get impeachment off the front page.


It doesn’t matter…and get used to it.


You know that Donnie and Company acted impulsively by the number of excuses/walkbacks/lies that the Administration trots out after they’ve done something stupid. Evidently, Trump knows Pompeo and Graham have not one shred of integrity left so he always sends them out to lie.


Exaggerating only very slightly, it’s pretty common practice to propose three options for policy decisons:

  1. Blow up the world
  2. Fecklessly do nothing
  3. Take the prudent middle course, which happens to be the one favored by whoever put the list together.

And, like you say, this depends on the decisionmaker not actually wanting to blow up the world, a precondition not applicable to this disastrous maladministration.


One of my posts from another thread. We must not allow Trump to obstruct on this one.

["It --a Schiff-led series of Hearings–may seem like this is fishing for dirt on Trump, but the myriad mistakes made in the run-up to this (not to mention the rank criminality) tells me that this promises to make Ukraine look like jaywalking in Beaver Cleaver’s neighborhood.

And the more they hide, the worse it will look.

Schiff is not a Drama King."]


When are Republicans going to stop believing in fairy tales? Pelosi is never going to give Donald a chance for an acquittal. Especially now that he’s committed another felony on foreign soil and is lying about an eminent threat that even Pompeo is now walking back.

It really looks like Trump circumvented the Pentagon with this drone attack and maybe now using a covert military unit stationed within the White House to even scores with anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that he’s The Second Coming of God or submits to his will.

Sanctions on Iraq? After we lost thousands of troops and they suffered countless injures trying to save them them from Saddam and ICE? Trump wants us to start a NEW war with them because they don’t want Donald knocking off his opponents on their soil?


According to the translated pages of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation website- last Friday’s telephone chat with Pompeo went like this:

“…Sergey Lavrov emphasized that the targeted actions of a UN member state to eliminate officials of another UN member state, moreover, on the territory of a third sovereign state without its knowledge, flagrantly violate the principles of international law and deserve condemnation.”
What does this mean; Putin & Bibi throwing shade or not really?


Even better, he now has his own Space Force and an orbital bombing capacity.


I can’t believe this administration would lie about such a thing. They’ve been so transparent and straight forward to this point. Next you’re going to tell me they don’t respect international law or the sovereignty of other nations.


The British political comedy series Yes Minister conveyed a similar sentiment in one episode. Though the stories were fictitious, they were written by people who had worked in government and they understood how it operated. The show is still applicable to Western governments today, 40+ years later.


I thought the complete silence over the last five days by every Republican but Graham was the most telling. None of them wanted to be associated with this assassination. Not even the usual reliables like Nunes made a peep.

We’ve heard the usual “We support our troops” copy points being bandied around but no blanket support for Trump’s felony. And now there is this nagging suspicion among NeoCons that Donald didn’t believe our troops could actually beat this general on the battlefield. That’s not the way a patriotic American thinks.

It’s the way Putin thinks about his own military.


This is a surprise, but my best guess is that not even Iran hawks want to see a war conducted with Iran with Donald Trump in position as commander in chief, much less get sucked into it. His first move was already enough to tell the whole world he doesn’t have a clue.


Must not be polling well for him. Big man about town, always trying to get the US to go after Iran with the same strongman views as tRump, reduced to “it wasn’t me that told him to do this”. Feh. Netanyahu is truly a POS.


Just like The Second Coming of God would punish Nonbelievers…and destroy their cultural/religious sites?