Will it include Sharpie drawn diagrams?
Fitting that the first response to his TweetSpew is “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”
Okay. I was curious and took a peek at his twitter account… Oh my goat!
Ok, he’s a landscaper, but is he also a shrubber? Ni.
Can Dancing with the Stars be far off for this one?
To paraphrase the Bard: “Methinks the Lush doth protest too much.”
Doing what all stuck pigs do…
The monitoring of the Ambassador issue is likely going nowhere, and the “investigations” in Ukraine and by Pompeo will be used to try and discredit all of Parnas’ statements. Like the kerning of Bush’s military records, no matter how much Robert Hyde is begging for a comeuppance, we can’t let our desire to discredit a douchebag – no matter how righteous – provide the GOP with a chance to muddy the strong case for impeachment.
Stick with cutting grass, babe. And consider going back into your hole before the authorities start wondering where a grass-cutter gets the money to be a big campaign donor.
I love how the entirety of the response thread is people just shitting all over him haha
Another over bloated piece o’ shit.
He is barely holding on to his sanity and dare I say his sobriety may be questionable here. I hope all sharp objects, guns, and combustibles have been removed from his home.
Lev Parnas is the one that said things about him. Why is he going off on Adam Schiff?
I least this guy has a legit insanity defense.
Day drinking… leave it to the professionals.
He’ll end up like Breitbart.
Yeah. Nobody engaged with his ideas. : (
He’s been involuntarily committed. Not everyone can say that.
Obama’s a serial killer, so Hyde better watch his back.