It appears that President Trump’s latest desperate appeal to “suburban women” during a campaign in Lansing, Michigan on Tuesday has once again prompted more mockery as he continues lagging behind Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the polls among suburban voters.
My wife just went back to work, which is good because I was tired of having her around all day. I have been working from home for the last couple years so the lockdown did not affect me.
This will appeal to the conservatives who think the man does the work and the woman is subservient and stays home and raises the kids, as the Bible intended. I’m sure there are still families like that in the nation, but they aren’t a big enough number to carry Trump through…ironically, it’s Republican policies that have hollowed out the middle class and forced more women who might have stayed home into the workplace.
This is also completely desperate…Trump is begging women to vote for him, that’s really all this is, a plea for women to save his ass in the election. He must know that white suburban women are fleeing his campaign, and these appeals are so horrid that it’s not going to bring them back.
And, Republican ruled states have passed laws that would make that event possible if Roe is overturned. It’s not even an exaggeration…they look at The Handmaid’s Tale as a manual, not a horror story.
“I saved your damn neighborhoods and now I’m saving your husbands’ damn jobs. What else do you want from me? Free cooking and cleaning lessons? A new washer and drier? Replacement mop heads for life? Tickets to Queen for a Day?”