Moreso than in the 30s and 40s, when we absolutely dominated? Would you rather call the largest voting blocs (by far) racists and misogynists or win elections?
“Jerome Powell told reporters that Trump [does not have the power as president to fire or demote him and that he would refuse to resign if Trump asked him to”
If he won’t step down, Trump will have him arrested.
A message for the Fed Chair, and the Federal Judge in Rudy’s case -
Dictators don’t follow the rules or the law.
a scheme in which F.B.I. agents posing as real estate developers paid tens of thousands of dollars in bribes to city officials.
Another chance for the Supreme Court to continue on its quest to strike the word “bribe” from the political lexicon.
Well, until 2025, when it will be rebranded “Losers Day” and taken off the Federal holidays list.
Assuming dems lose the house this is the time for democrats to sit back and watch, say we are not in charge, and as things slowly unravel say this is what you wanted.
If we don’t control any of the three branches it’ll be hard for republicans to point fingers at anyone but themselves.
I’d like to thank Josh for posting the comments in the editor’s blog, particularly the one about what young males are being shown online. I know about algorithms, of course, but I hadn’t bothered to think about how much crummy content is being fed to young males. (And probably young females, just different stuff.) There is something to be said for having to work for your youthful addictions in the olden days; I can only imagine how my brain would have been molded if I was being spoon-fed similar stuff in 1980. Instead, I moved on, helped by peers and my parents (my mother always had interesting books around, which gave me a similar library habit). And the fact that I couldn’t simply click a button to access it all.
This has been your old man-yells-at-cloud moment of the day.
Thank you for sharing that. It’s great.
As recently as two years ago, the Dems over performed to stop a red wave in the midterms. I don’t know what changed, other than the border issues and higher prices as often mentioned, but I don’t think we need to give up on ever winning elections because of the Dem party strategies or the appeal of our message. They did outreach to every demographic, but maybe miscalculation that reproductive rights were at the top of concerns, when it seems like that was treated separately on the ballot.
There will never be a left-wing propaganda machine because of the nature of left-wing beliefs. You can’t simplify complex issues down to black and white and if you do, no intelligent Democrat will listen. Also, it’s fucking boring to hear the same thing over and over - exactly what they do on Fox, talk radio, etc. Air America was an utter failure even with Rachel Maddow and other LW luminaries.
I made the mistake of reading some news today. Ignorance clearly won this election. I’m not sure how we can counter this.
Liberal billionaires is not quire but damn near an oxymoron.
Truth of the matter is Its the economy stupid
People vote with their pocketbook
Rent was high, food was high, insurance was high and they threw the bums out
read an article, 60 % of people do not even who their governor is but they do know who their president is.
Biden had a 40% approval, Kamala got 47% of the vote
Add another to the list…
Had a doctor’s appointment this AM, he is pissed!
We are all in for a terrible ride. Look at the riots today in Amsterdam at the football match between Ajax and a team from Israel. Terrible people all around. The violence will just get worse I’m afraid.
No, not more so. But the New Deal, the Great Society, and every other watershed progressive movement would never had happened had the internet and RW propaganda been around.
There’s a strong appeal for this policy. It’s been pundit and media gospel for decades now that the Dems are the adults in the room; that it’s up to “the Democrats” to block outrageous Republican actions; that “only Democrats” are responsible “actors” and yada yada yada.
Each time, Republicans are given a pass. So they not only aren’t “held accountable”; nobody really grasps what they wanted to do.
No more. Let 'em go for it.
Not this time. The Mayor is a Black guy.
Or defenestrated.
No matter what happens, five minutes after Trump is inaugurated, Democrats need to start saying that this administration is the worst failure in human history. It will be true, but even if it isn’t. And no matter what the issue is, Democrats need to oppose. The silver lining, though a bit tarnished I’ll admit, in all this is that once they gain control of the House, they won’t be able to scapegoat it for all the failure. Our game clearly doesn’t win. We need to start playing their game.