How Trump's Failed 2020 COVID Policy Birthed His 2024 Public Health Nominees

That may be. It’s all way over my head. I just wish our HHS were going to be guided in the near future by scientists. As do you and do we all, all of us here.


Could be. I imagine that our immune systems are complicated beyond measure, at least beyond any measures we have yet to take or can imagine. Here’s the thing my mother (and father) communicated to me: our bodies are our friends. They want the best for us/themselves. Some bodies work better at that game with us than others, given their/our environments.

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That really cool.

Actually, that could not happen at NIH. That’s why there is peer review, an independent advisory council, and the congressional justification process to account for how funds were and will be used. And I hope your friends contacted their representative about this.

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Given the options at the time this was not a dumb idea. Mumps can cause trouble for a youngster but is a much more serious disease in an adult.


That was my general understanding.

This is not good.


Either that or Zuck went there to suck Trump’s cock and beg for forgiveness. Zuck and is a complete pussy. The portrayal of him in “The Social Network” is right on - a wimpy nerd.

I have never had the flu. However, I have had pneumonia at least three times in the last 30+ years.

During the 1918 global flu pandemic, viruses were not yet known and there was still a lot of mystery about the cause and potential ways to prevent the spread of the disease. Masking was strongly recommended and but many people were just as anti-masking as we saw during the Covid pandemic.


Are they even capable of doing actual doctoring?

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