House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Disgraced Former WH Aide Rob Porter

The House Judiciary Committee is set to subpoena ex-White House staff secretary Rob Porter as part of its investigation into President Trump following the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, Politico reported.

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That’s nice.


Prepare for claims of executive privilege reaching all the way back to the origins of Mr. Porter’s childhood nicknames. Warm up the subpoena mimeograph machine.


And the beat goes on.


Subpoena Kabuki Theatre - it’s a thing.


It’s good to see that they “slapped” Porter with a subpoena.

I wonder if Porter will attempt to “beat” it in court?

Hope the Dems in the HJC aren’t “abusing” their power.


“Ahem…[taps mic]… uh, Attorney General Barr? Sir, if you believe that Chief Justice John Roberts is going to protect you by permanently nuking Congress’s subpoena power, then you are betting against the house and against history. CJ Roberts will throw you and your merrie band of grifters, fanatics, traitors, and thieves under the bus-wheels of his Court’s legacy in a heartbeat. We advise that you re-think this position.”


Let me guess…the wife beater will resist!


To find out why the republicans & tRump can get away with whatever he wants you have to watch this documentary.


What will be interesting for me is the mood on Capitol Hill and among the Trumpers on these matters in September. Does a guy like Rob Porter or Donald McGahn really hold out for Trump and embarrass themselves in the process?

My sense is that Trump’s hold within the GOP establishment has weakened. I don’t think Pelosi quite realizes this yet, but to her credit she’s also not standing in the way of what Nadler wants to do. I think the chances of the Trump stone’wall’ cracking and crumbling this fall are higher than people think.

In the congressional town halls across the country, people are giving members an earful on impeachment. They’re not focused on the primary but on what’s going on now in terms of holding Trump accountable and also present concerns like gun control and the economy. This is what make the chances of Trump getting impeached higher. It’s not about a remedy for past acts, but it’s a remedy for ongoing concerns and threats to the stability of the Republic.


Agreed. Even the slightest weakening in the intimidation that is ubiquitous throughout his current and former staff will have a significant percentage of those grifters, thieves, and incompetents thinking “I’m not taking the fall for this fucking gangster,” and they will start to flip.

It’s how Mueller rolled mobsters. The flipping (mostly) does not appear to have begun during Mueller’s investigation*–but there are a whole lot of fuses he started burning, in a lot of different directions, and some of them are going to explode right under Donald’s fat wide orange ass.

*[e/t/a: except Gates, Sater, Cohen, etc, etc…]


This really is a house of cards. We’re now 15 months from the election. Everyone can sense that Trump’s going to lose this thing under most scenarios. If you’re McGahn and one of your Koch benefactors has died, why would you destroy your career viability by hitching your wagon to Trump? Your viability goes way beyond the GOP circle. You’re seeing this with the Never Trumper crew which Walsh and Mooch have now joined. They see viability as a center-right (or basically non Trump cultish conservative). There’s much more money in it and you get a lot more respect in society. Trump is a dead end.

Logic dictates that many more will choose that path and Trump’s stonewall will collapse sooner rather than later.

There are many tv shows that capture aspects of Trumpism or the messed up climate in America that led to this disaster, but the one that keeps popping up in my head most often is Netflix’s ‘Bloodline’ about a privileged white family in the FL panhandle whose wealth and power are based more on myth than reality and is principally rooted in corruption.


That said–rebuilding competence and rooting-out Trumpista fanaticism and corruption in every aspect of US gov is going to take decades.


I agree. I also believe that GOPers against Trump like Walsh, Weld and possibly Kasich should test the waters more and, in essence, do another version of what Mooch is doing.


That depends on who is POTUS. I think Harris or Warren would root out most of them, though in Warren’s case there’s a chance that an ideologue gets in. Bigger risk for EW is that she puts in someone with a tin ear on race issues or her cabinet is so stacked with ‘structural change’ priority folks that they out muscle out vote POC voices. With Biden and Bernie it would be dependent on who they appointed at CoS and other key admin posts. In Bernie’s case, I could see a bunch of off the wall nominees who would be Trumper lite (imagine Judge Tulsi). With the courts, I’m fairly convinced that Harris and Warren would flood the Senate with judicial appointees to dilute the power of the Trumper judges and both would probably put in incentives/pressures to force the Trumpers out.


Fortunately/unfortunately, the needs of the Planet may force Trumpism out faster than most people would think.

If I were a young person, would be exhilarated at the prospect of being part of a generation on the front lines of keeping this Planet livable.


The most qualified person for that job would be a vice president Biden. He has the practical experience and knowledge needed to restore our institutions, while President Warren would be free to do what a president should do - provide a vision and pursue it with a progressive legislative agenda.


VP Biden’s biggest flaw (and one that his opponents have had a bit of trouble exposing) is that he has a career of accommodating Republicans. His campaign is about ‘restoration’. The problem is that the working class and POC will be left behind in any deal with these Republicans. The times call for someone who is not just going to boot Trump out but build a new social contract which is based on justice and fairness. This means being aggressive with the use of executive power to implement needed changes that the GOP will otherwise block. Biden is not that candidate.


@khyber900 and @dr_coyote

I agree lots of people could begin flipping or at least shifting to more solid ground. It has been amazing that up until now Chump has managed to plug so many leaks. Kept a lid on, kept the muzzles on. Of course 2 complete wings of govt. are busy helping him, and breaking laws to do it.

One of you said “house of cards”. I am putting a lot of faith in this: Chump is guilty of all of it. It would be one thing if our opponent was this evil and off the rails…BUT at least he had some gravitas. Some real chops. A brutally efficient and horrifying plan to get us to SOMEWHERE advantageous…even giving up World Cop and Leader status to make America more secure and prepared to play hardball.

But Chump isn’t that. It is ALL a lie, every bit of it. His strength is fake, his chops are fake, his goals are fake. We aren’t going to find out he wasn’t CRIMIN’ all this time and was really trying to take down international child trafficking rings. There is no exonerating evidence.

He did ALL of it. He is guilty of ALL OF IT. He hasn’t achieved ANYTHING, and it is all based on lies. A House Of Cards is a tower of strength compared to Chump. We just need to be harder and tougher. Like everything else of his, it is doomed to fail but we need to save the bacon when he flames out.


Throw more subpoenas than #45’s minions can keep track of. Slam the rat f*ckers in waves which will overcome their resources.