They were. They hate Franken because his questions always embarrass them and call out their hypocrisy.
Why yes, evidently they do.
They’re already complicit.
The last four years have taught me that there are no consequences.
God dammit even.
Biden, back in June 2019: “With Trump gone you’re going to begin to see things change. Because these folks [Congressional Republicans] know better. They know this isn’t what they’re supposed to be doing.”
Who knows if Joe believed that then. It was obviously bollocks even long before then; maybe he just felt it was the right thing to say to donors at the time. Or maybe he actually believed it.
It is not news that Republicans haven’t changed, except for the worse with each passing day. Coalescing in defense of Greene is no surprise. The good news is that Biden, in his handling of the 1.9T pandemic relief and other moves, is not assuming Republicans have changed, and indeed sees them as operating in bad faith. But I am not convinced Biden actually sees Republicans to be as vile and dangerous as they actually are. Harris probably does.
“I find Congresswoman Greene’s comments very offensive,” Ranking Member Tom Cole (R-OH [sic]). “But the action the majority is taking today raises questions.”
Such as:
Why should we give a fuck what this long-time apologist for racism thinks is an appropriate reaction to the GOP’s newest and potentially most violent racist member of Congress?
Think of how contemptuously indifferent the Republican Party is to both governing and learning that they put this lunatic on the EDUCATION COMMITTEE!
Can’t hold murderers, rapists and thieves accountable, because that creates an expectation that other murderers, rapists and thieves will be held accountable.
Which is not supported by the guild for murderers, rapists and thieves.
That was calculated.
I was wondering if this meant that Andy was busily deleting his social media posts.
“If we go down this path, no Republican will be safe to spout provably false allegations against entire classes of people.”
Anything avoid having to take responsibility for their actions.
America is now operating with a one-party political system for the foreseeable future. It’s blatantly obvious that Republicans simply cannot be trusted to do anything for the good of the country. Democrats need to proceed with their agenda. If a few GOPers want to play along, fine. There won’t be very many. They’ve chosen their path.
Sorry, @kate_riga, as much as I might LIKE to blame Ohio for him, Tom Cole is my the congressman I’ve been assigned from Jokelahoma’s 4th District.
The GOP has become a bad joke of a political party populated by blood lust extremists playing as though they are victims and other people who do an epic representation of cowardice.
I get what you’re saying, but I have to object. There’s a second party. And make no mistake: if they are ever allowed control and power again, they are going to do everything in their power to make sure THEY are the only party and, just like this time, nothing will be off limits, but unlike this time, it will be more competent and determined efforts. We will regret it until the day of our deaths and will likely never regain the country from them. Yes, that could come as early as 2022.
exactly, first thought was, of course they did…assholes.
Translation: next time we have the majority, we will remove AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and, heck, every other Democrat from all their committees. And it will be the Democrats’ fault.
Actions speak louder than words.
Particularly when a member of the GQP is talking.
As I recall, the outing of the Franken photo and follow-up complaint by Leeann Tweeden was a Roger Stone rat-fuck, but the resulting pressure to resign came mostly from Democrats.
And it most certainly did not create any kind of precedent that was picked up by Republicans vetting Republican behavior when, say, selecting Supreme Court judges…
Getting elected doesn’t magically erase a politician’s past behavior, especially when that behavior happened just a few years ago. If the behavior is particularly egregious (as it is for Greene) and not previously known, then I don’t see why they shouldn’t face sanction in Congress.
Zzzzzzip. Hmm. I don’t see any balls. Actually, I really don’t see much of anything.