Well couldn’t he caucus with himself, name himself chairman of the House Independents, and demand a seat on a committee?
These days there seems to be no rules, so yeah.
I think they should IF he asks for it, but I would prefer they either appoint another Democrat or leave the seat vacant, after all, the majority makes the rules.
The real story here is the absolute meanness and viciousness of the modern Republican Party.
Might be interesting!
Can anyone remember a time, even under W, when the president told the American public just how petty and dumb he was?
Hell, even Dubya wasn’t that stupid…
I’ve read that Amash was one of the original members of the so-called “Freedom Caucus.” So for me this is all “so what?” I mean other than the fact that it gives 45* another opportunity to demonstrate what a craven p.o.s. he is. Having accomplished that, I hope Amash sinks into obscurity.
Sorry if that sounds harsh.
Welllll… not to this extent, but W’s “looking all over” for the WMDs his lackeys ginned up was certainly one for the ages.
And all the guests at the WH Correspondents’ Dinner laughed and laughed and laughed…
Then there was “If this were a dictatorship, it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator.”
Granted, The Decider probably doesn’t hold a candle to Individual-1 on this score. On the other hand, The Decider probably killed more people. So far. But that’s a different thread.
It’s all in the reflexes.
- Jack Burton
I’m not sure The Decider killed more people, keep in mind the death toll from Hurricane Maria and Donnie’s reign of terror isn’t over yet.
Gotta admire the guys courage, a rare commodity these days. Non-existent in the Republican party.
“Great news for the Republican Party as one of the dumbest & most disloyal men in Congress is ‘quitting’ the Party … A total loser!”
Yeah! You tell 'em, Donnie! Let’s see the libtard’s argue with THAT logic!
This is one comedy act that didn’t age well.
Oh, indeed – he’s still got another year (likely, unless the House actually moves on impeachment). Still, considering all the dead Iraqis because of The Decider (somewhere between half a million and a million I think?) he has quite a way to go. But like I said, that’s a different thread.
May the best reptile get his spot.
They’d have to vacate one of their own spots and I don’t see anyone volunteering for that.
I love the idea of leaving the seat vacant, as punishment for the republicans refusing to name their members in the first 30-something days of the session.