House Ethics Members Dither On Gaetz Report As Senate Gears Up For ‘Kavanaugh On Steroids’

Time to stop giving these people airtime over what they say and paying more attention to what they do.


I’m sure after talking to him in private, Gaetz will soothe Collins’ concerns and have earned her vote, and behave ethically and in line with the positions requirements.

Nah, just kidding, he’s going to go all Scarface in the AG office.


Pace yourselves.

We’ve got 4 years of this shit.

Or, if the Republicans have their way, … forever.


“Say hello to my little friend.” (That’s why I pay so well.)


Here’s how I look at it: A vote to deny the AG spot to Gaetz is a vote to protect Trump from the consequences of his own cupidity and stupidity. I fully realize the damage that an AG Gaetz can do, but I think it’s more important for Trump to be crippled, as badly and as quickly as possible, and I believe an AG Gaetz will contribute mightily to that end. Let Trump be Trump. That’s where I come down.


That’s what he does. That’s all he does…


Trump has asked for recess appointments. To his credit, he has appointed a lot of positions quickly. So standby, expect him to demand a recess so he can appoint all his appointees at once. This will happen in the middle of the night when know one is watching bypassing every check and balance. Dictator for a day!


By 1974 it was hard to find anyone to admit they voted for Nixon.

Don’t blame me, I’m from Illinois.


Susan Wild and the Democrats should defy Johnson and the ReThug’s and just release the damn report to the public. What is the worse that could happen ? Dissolution of the “Bipartisan” Ethics Committee ? So what - it’s worse than useless if the Ethics Committee can not report to the public about ANOTHER ReThug criminal that is about to make a mockery of our system of justice.

The most important job of the Democrats is to OUT every criminal ReThug they can and preach the nature of immorality and illegality of their positions in office from now until Nov. 2026. The second most important job is to totally gum up the works in the House and Senate starting with NOT voting to increase the Debt Ceiling in Jan. 2025.

Everything else is just waiting around for Trump to die.


Vote 1 - release the report now, as is, which is incomplete. Failed.
Vote 2 - continue working on the report, then release the finished product. Successful (but not unanimous). The committee meets next on Dec. 5 to attempt to complete it.

Ok, so the DOJ is agency that would indict both. I’ve read reports that the reason Gaetz was not indicted is because statutory rape (sex with minor) had a mandatory minimum sentence of ten years. That was the politics of why Gaetz wasn’t indicted. The decision makers at DOJ gave him a pass as they weren’t comfortable with mandatory minimum sentence of decade. Plus, there was consternation over witness credibility.

I don’t agree with DOJ reasoning.

As for Diddy the volume of evidence & witnesses is a bit overwhelming, folks just keep coming out the woodwork.

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What a beautiful kitty, Darr!


Real ethical of them.


I wish Ferrous kitty was still with us. He crossed Rainbow Bridge in 2019.


If the roles were reversed do you have any doubt that the report on a Democrat would mysteriously wind up in the hands of a reporter? Democrats can prove they are adapting to the new world and leak it the same way the Dobbs decision was.

Not that it will matter, of course. What Gaetz is accused pales in comparison to the sexual assaults committed on much younger children by priests and youth pastors. I don’t see the influence of the Catholic Church or the Baptists declining. Trump was elected despite, or because of, his past transgressions.

I’m not even sure why this Gaetz story is a thing. From Sandy Hook to the routine molestation of children in churches and Boy Scout camps we Americans long ago proved we don’t care about children being slaughtered and raped. And the girl at question in this story was 17. The only fall out from this will be the jokes and the memes. Americans are only in it for the :joy:. Democrats need to figure that out.

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Correct. And Gabbard would be even more dangerous. Daniel Goldman pointed out that if she’s the head, countries will just stop sharing all security intelligence with us - as she will leak it to Russia, Assad, etc. that puts the US in a perilous security situation. We will have no info on whether attacks are brewing against us.


Frau Furrowed Brow weighs in again…


I have no problem with Diddy. The question is why is a mandatory minimum o.k. for Diddy, but not for Gaetz? Different laws for different people? From a Dem administration?

This! Dems need to vote no, and let the Repub majority win and reap the consequences.

Oh, and Dems need to circulate their morning messaging, stick to their daily talking points unanimously, rince and repeat. That is all.

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I see your point. However, typically , when there is disparity like you describe the common denominator has to do with race of victim & Diddy was Mr. DEI predator. Ergo, I don’t think the administration in oval had any bearing on this.
Gaetz is scion of a political family who I’m certain had the legal connects to influence DOJ and persuade them ten years was “severe” for a sitting member of Congress & “productive” member of society.

No one can make that case for Diddy as there are too many victims, heck Howard gave back his $1M dollar donation. He’s no Dr Dre with building named after him on USC campus. Besides, he already skipped mandatory NYC sentence blaming gun possession on kid who’s now Mayor of Belize that serves 8 years instead of Ddiddy. Kid was only 18 when he was scapegoated.