House Ethics Committee Warns Duncan Hunter Against Voting After Guilty Plea

They don’t have that kind of cash and I doubt any reputable bank would lend them that much.


I’m not saying it’d happen, but they should put it to a vote I think. If they want to keep him make the Republicans own this asshole.


Because then any partisan dipshit local DA could effectively remove a local sitting congresscritter with a trumped up felony conviction. The mechanism here is that the house can vote to expel any member for any reason with a 2/3s vote (which will take both parties). That’s the threat being leveled at Hunca-Dunter.


That would make some nice ads for the 2020 election - Congressperson so-and-so voted to allow a convicted felon to remain in the House of Representatives.


Since all sorts of Watergate-era phrases are current again, shouldn’t that be “slowly twisting in the wind”?

(Compliments of the ironically named John Ehrlichman, of course; “Ehrlich” in German means “honest”.)


He pled guilty of the charges. He isn’t just indicted. He pled guilty in order to get a plea deal for a reduced sentence and to avoid a trial as I understand it. So the rule should be binding when someone says they’re guilty of a felony and is still serving in Congress awaiting his sentencing.


I didn’t say “indicted”. If you don’t think a partisan DA can’t get a BS conviction with party machinery behind him, then I’ve got a number of bridges to sell you. Or threaten an innocent with financial ruin unless they take a deal.

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I feel like it’d be political malpractice not to.

Well, Trump is the GOP and the GOP is Trump, derping back and forth forever, and so if Hunter doesn’t self-ethics-violate, some unprincipled third party will effectively draw him into it.

Serious question: would it be wrong for Pelosi/Democrats/liberals to deliberately provoke him into violating the rule? I’m sure Pelosi could come up with something sufficiently irresistible to H. duncii that nevertheless looks perfectly innocent.

I want to see 100 years of progressive government, but it’s not progressive if it’s corrupt, and deliberately entrapping a political opponent to provoke a political showdown feels closer to the wrong side of the line.



The prosecutor has some explaining to do.


197 Republicans in the House, take one down pass it around,
196 Republicans in the House, take one down pass it around,
195 Republicans in the House, take one down pass it around,
194 Republicans in the House, take one down pass it around,…


Toward the end of the podcast All The Presidents Lawyers

they mentioned the sweetheart deal prosecutors are recommending to the court for Duncan Hunter. It would seem the Justice system is not blind. Hunter’s pandering to Trump did not go unnoticed.

BTW, Darrel Issa is running for this same seat in Congress. CD 50 is one of the last districts in California that leans Republican.


DH got off so easy. Why in the world would the US Atty. cut such a deal when they had the goods on this guy? One count? Come on.


Yeah, adiós. He’s not going to be re-elected; he’s going to prison.


Adam L. Braverman, the United States attorney for the Southern District of California


I remember thinking, when I saw him sit down in Congress and start vaping, for Christ’s sake, that he’s what psychologists call a “boundary violator” and what lay people call an “asshole.” If you tell him not to do a thing he has a near-irresistible urge to do that thing. So maybe they should just go ahead and do whatever they plan to do if he tries to vote, just to save time.


And Halde means “slag heap.”


The only thing he has done that the P*resident has not done, so far, is to get convicted. Victim!

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Hunter is a slimy, cowardly and despicable pos. This corrupt, lying, venal snake should do at least five years in prison for his crimes and his deliberately fraudulent public statements regarding the same.


What’s with all this ‘non-binding’ garbage? ‘He SHOULDN’T do it but…’ . This is the same crap we face with POTUS who has NEVER met a ‘rule’ that he believes doesn’t apply to him. Tradition? Bah HOOEY…If these people are TRULY ‘public servants’ then it is past time to actually hold them accountable…just like the voters that vote them in.

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Hunter took those Republican corporate dollars-from the same people who are propping up the business sector and buying up judges and paying up the Trump Administration-and didn’t do what they wanted with the $$. He’s a footnote now. A write-off. They are busy shoring up the next election for the Republican win. 2% tax on the filthy richest?
I can only imagine what they are organizing to defeat the Democrats. And they are playing dirty.

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