House Dem Chair Calls On Pelosi To Release Impeachment Articles

Get on board the train, Smith, or leave the platform.


At minimum, Trump needs to give his annual address without giving the senate the opportunity to acquit. Nancy knows this. Imagine the sniffling and word salad.


Did you mention that he’s an asshole?


The word choice “relinquish” is odd. It implies a compelled transfer of ownership rights and has nothing to do with this situation.

Headline is weird since it implies that Smith is the “Chair” of perhaps the entire caucus? I understand headline writing can be tricky, but we shouldn’t be satisfied with misleading results.


“the media narrative”

The driver of the bus.

This - plus I don’t think releasing them before the state of the union would be smart. I think letting tRump strut in front of congress ‘vindicated’ by the Senate - would not help the narrative you’ve outlined, but rather undermine it.

On the other hand - letting him twist in the wind, and throw spittle infected word salads at the assembled house - might HELP the narrative.

That’s my hope.


Ever notice how these fools always have a tourniquet around their necks?


The questions to Smith:

  • “What do you suppose will happen in a trial with no witnesses?”

  • “What is your take on Moscow McConnell actively working with the WH and proclaiming it?”

Cronkite would have asked these questions…
Fuck Smith
Fuck CNN


Really. A congress critter strolling down the hall is asked to say a few words to someone with a mic and a camera and he says let’s upbend the speaker’s so far brilliant strategy. Where does he get his particular wisdom from? Oh, I know. It involves bending over first.


Any leverage Pelosi might have had is gone now. Wonder when Mr. Smith will announce that he’s switching parties.

Because of TWO fuckers?

(We had Van Drew already and he’s in the tank for Trump)

Let’s all raise the white flag and have a Gloom Fest.


To gain sympathy from the masses in speaking at the SOTU, tRump may have devolved to pushing a walker (like Weinstein) and hooked up to a respirator to help with that sniffling/breathing problem that no one but us wants to acknowledge.
Hope Pelosi holds off till after this otherwise, he’ll just be up there crowing about being exonerated.


There is no question she can and will. The embrace of Gloom because of one or two assholes is breathtaking.


Don’t let that stop you! As chairman of a committee he is a leader in the Party and holds national power. Give 'em hell if you wanna.


There is an argument for sending the impeachment articles over to the Senate, now, now, now, and having Republicans sign on to an acquittal as quickly as possible, before they change their minds. As this WH rolls into hell, this will look worse and worse. Before anyone thinks that will not happen, look at what already has happened, and keep in mind, this WAS a self-impeachment if ever there was one. And, look at the momentum.

However, this is not just about having some political gain. It is about the country. And, having a correctly processed impeachment trial is important for the country now and our posterity.

The impeachment happened. Donald J. Trump stands accused by the People of the United States of America, through through their representatives, of abuse of power and obstruction of congress. It is a serious matter.

Preventing the testimony of witnesses that have first hand knowledge of these events is tampering with the evidence of a very serious matter, in my opinion. That is what Republicans have decided to do in unison.

Why on earth should anyone just give that to the GOP?


Also some senators. Some as you would expect (Tester, Manchin) but also Feinstein.


Beyond nailing the senate Rs and moving the media narrative, Pelosi should NOT release the articles of impeachment to the senate because:

  1. The SenateMaj-MoscowMitch and the Trumpian-Republican senate majority has said they will collude/coordinate with the accused/Trump and has decided without hearing the witnesses to acquit him.

  2. The Republican Senate will vote to acquit Trump no matter how damning the evidence against Trump

  3. The Republican Senate is already rigged in favor of Trump

So Pelosi should do what MoscowMitch did to Merrick Garland…hold on to the impeachment articles because this is about upholding the rule of law/USC and if no one in the Republican Majority Senate will uphold it, then wait until the US Senate can!


How little you know but thanks just the same for sharing.


This is RatFkry. He’s a “new Democrat” but in one of the most Democratic and ethnically diverse districts - so he was under NO political pressure here. Nuff said


All Pelosi has said is that the Senate has to vote on rules first, this isn’t some high order demand and yet…