Hours After July 4 Shooting, GOP Guv Nom Calls On Everyone To Move On Already

Here’s an interesting headline:


If any of our citizens needed proof that most of the Repubs are emotionally, ethically, and politically retarded, this is further proof. His comments are sick and twisted.


We (At least the Boomers among us…) who spent most of our lives in the ‘Pax Americana’ were lucky. We lived through a period of relative peace, with major economic expansion, rising standards of living and phenomenal technological advances. Advanced western societies also seemed to be on a steady liberalizing arc. I don’t think that was all a mirage, but we were also probably naive to believe that the stability and progress we experienced would be an unbroken trend.

For example, I knew there would be blowback to the first American Black POTUS, but I never expected something on the scale of the MAGA movement. However, despite the current global assault on liberal democracy, I am convinced that the ‘arc of history is still bending toward justice’.


Your optimism is comforting. Six or seven years ago I would have agreed. Today I’m not so sure.


Don’t lose faith: that’s what our opponents want! :slight_smile:


Is that a fact? I have been assuming that she was framed and is being held as a hostage, under color of “law.”


Think Jim Crow and lynchings, Civil rights movement, 68 riots. Civil War.

This country has been through way worse times and gotten through it.

Just seems worse now not only because we’re living through it, but also because we’re in the 24/7 media world where everything that happens is rebroadcast in near real time, and the worse the news is the further it spreads.

Then you go back to boring things like statistics, and see how, despite the drumbeat of things like shootings, the homicide rate is drastically lower than it was 30 years ago. That despite all of the doomsday stuff, you’re safer today than at any point in history.


BlaME tRUMP for EverYTHing. DUDe listEned TO Rapping MUSic. VioLENT raPPing MusIC.


Okay, I guess that’s why we have sent ambassadors to France and the UK since the 18th C, and that’s why we sent random citizens like John Adams (UK 1785-88), Benjamin Franklin (France 1776-1785), and Thomas Jefferson (France 1785-89) to those posts. (NB: a bunch of other founders also served in those roles.)

Christ almighty, these people are idiots on their good days.


Whoa! Yes personal responsibility is important and one needs to be mindful of what is and isn’t permitted.
However in this case the is no proportionality … or even the pretense of such … Griner was a high profile target …if it wasn’t the substance that she may have had … it would have been substance that would have been planted … and if it turned out to be too difficult to get something on Griner … it would have been somebody else … ( but the number of high profile Americans available to capture & use for extortion had really dropped by then)
Before being “disgusted” bear in mind that this was a contrived setup that may or may not be a case built on falsehoods and planted evidence. It most certainly would not be the first time that the Russians did so…


There are hundreds of these videos on youtube.


“The World is a vampire”

William Corgan


No matter how carefully I say this it will come out wrong.

A white man who just shot up a fourth of July parade with an AR 15, killing six people and wounding 24, was apprehended without a shot being fired. He abandoned the rifle at the scene, but he could have had other weapons.

In Akron, an unarmed black man was shot 60 times and killed after a traffic stop. I realize there are likely extenuating circumstances there… he did have a gun, and apparently fired once at officers. They would not have known he left the gun in the car, so I don’t want to prejudge.

But… really?


Democratic Governors Association ran an ad that was very effective in getting out the Trumpian vote for Bailey in last week’s primary. Not dishonest; it simply recited what Bailey’s positions were and concluded “too conservative for Illinois.” The other GOP candidates howled , and predictably, lost badly. Bailey enjoys the Uihlein family’s backing.


Like others, I’m curious how you arrived at this conclusion. Obviously possible, but unproven. Also possible - Putin and his minions are lying assholes.

I hope this clarifies things for you.


It’s the ducking guns




A couple of thoughts -

“Crimo” is like a bad supervillain name

Darren Bailey is ugly and DFG’s mother dresses him funny


Correct. The only way things get better here is if a lot of guns are removed from the equation. We also need to start making guns as socially questionable as cigarettes. I wish there were some way to do those two things quickly because people will keep getting shot and killed until they are.