Hospitals In Two States Denied An Abortion To A Miscarrying Patient. Investigators Say They Broke Federal Law.

And that’s a shame because Columbia is a nice dot of liberalism in the middle of the state. I attribute it the flagship state university being located there. While 30 miles south of Columbia, MO is Jeff City- the state capital which is not liberal at all.


The GOP will lay down your life and fuck up your health for its principals

The possibility that a birth control pill could become more easily available comes as the United States faces a maternal mortality crisis, abortion bans and possible restrictions on an FDA-approved abortion medication ( SN: 3/16/23; SN: 6/24/22; SN: 5/18/23 ). Science News talked with two sexual and reproductive health equity researchers about the impact of over-the-counter access to the pill on reproductive health and autonomy.


All these states, mine included, have passed these abortion restriction without medical input. Even when there is suppose to be exceptions withing the law, those exceptions are worded in medical terms.
Can one sue one’s state legislature and governor for practicing medicine without a license?


In a universe where real world decisions are based in magical beliefs.


GOP: “All Lives Matter! But Some Lives Are More All Than Others.”


I’m guessing a whole lot more women than innocent victims of gun violence. I mean, we’re talking women here. Their concerns are always secondary, easily moved to the back burner.

Calling them “persons with wombs” won’t bump up their priority.


Well, yeah. It’s right there in Genesis, where God expells Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Never mind that the whole “Eve” story was grafted in at the Council of Nicaea to replace the tale of Lillith, a co-equal to Adam.“Gawd said it, I believe it, and that’s that!” as the bumper sticker sez.


Oughta be chiseled on the steps of the Supreme Court:

“The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from ancient Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum.” – Thomas Paine


Clearly, I need to read more Thomas Paine. I’m familiar with a local history professor who had a similarly low view of the heartland of monotheism. Which he considered to be one of the worst ideas people have come up with, by the way.


If a hospital isn’t a hospital, it shouldn’t get funding. If the hospital doesn’t provide medical care, we shouldn’t be giving it Medicare funding. This is a no-brainer.

As for the decision of the hospital for which rule to follow, which law to obey? That’s on them. They can choose to be a hospital, or they can choose to follow state law. If they choose the latter, they’ll be shut down. If they choose the former, they will have an advocate in the federal government by their side.

I am sick and tired of states taking my federal tax dollars and using them to oppress. F*** them.


All the RW objections are sooooo bad faith, and sooo infantilize women. And these are the same people who cancel sex education!

they expressed worry that women wouldn’t understand that Opill (usage & limitations). But studies have found that women are capable of self-screening for eligibility

detractors point to the rising rates of (various gyn diseases). If women had to get a Pap smear and receive instruction on safe sex methods before being prescribed the oral contraceptive, wouldn’t that increase cancer detection and STI screening?



But they are “pro-life.”

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She would have no problem finding a teaching position in California.

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Now, our doctors are unable to save a woman in a failed pregnancy?

What are my health care costs going up for?

Obviously not for medical treatment.


This is an important story with two groups of villians. The first in Joplin are the Republicans lead mostly by misogyistic monsters calling themselves Christians who have convinced themselves they are doing God’s work. The second in Kansas are the risk adverse lawyers who would rather see women die than provide the care they are called upon to provide the sick. Both are significant parts of the problem. In this case we are lucky the woman wasn’t killed by their intentional betrail of their duty to the very ill woman whose baby had no chance.


Stupidly, I went to Faux and Faux to see if the hoax “vets kicked out of homeless shelter” story was updated or retracted. NOPE. Not sure what I was hoping for in this case, but some journalistic integrity maybe? Maybe?


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Look at how many children have died from gun violence in their schools. The GQP does not give a shit about the children or women in dire situations with a problem pregnancy. The only solution is to vote repubs out of office!


Monotheism is a stage in the journey from theism to atheism.


Offering up a “little update” on Friday night, Fox News host Laura Ingraham admitted that the story of homeless vets being displaced by migrants was a hoax, adding that she had “no clue” why a group would make up a story her network stoked days of outrage over.

A week after the New York Post reported the sensational tale of 20 “struggling homeless veterans” getting booted from upstate New York hotels to make room for asylum-seeking migrants, the story completely fell apart. In reality, Sharon Toney-Finch, the CEO of a veterans’ advocacy organization, had concocted the tall tale and apparently even recruited men from a homeless shelter to pose as the displaced vets for the media.

Of course, by the time the fraud was exposed, right-wing media had run wild with the story. Fox News led the way, airing dozens of on-air segments raging about Democrats placing the needs of “illegals” over the well-being of “people who served our country and need a little boost.” Ingraham, known for her anti-immigrant rhetoric, helped lead the charge.

“Alright, before we go, a little update on a story we brought you this week about homeless vets being displaced from hotels so that illegals could move in,” she said just before heading to a commercial break.

“Turns out the group behind the claim made it up,” Ingraham added. “We have no clue as to why anyone would do such a thing, but we’ll bring you any updates should they come.”


Correct. That is what annoys me the worst. For all talk of the patriarchy, those talibans would not be in power if women didn’t vote for them